I’ve Been Critiqued
There is a new blog starting up called The Webcomic Critique. The guy has a pretty interesting scoring system based on artwork, storyline, funniness, and content. Here he is talking about System 177:
Is it bad that I imagined a southern accent when I read the last line? I did. The System does an amazing job of keeping a semi-storyline while keeping all of its pages fresh. What this comic lacks in overall amazing color graphics it makes up for in funny jokes. This one is a perfect example of that relationship, where the joke is really funny but the same images are used for almost all the panels. And – really – repair shops always find something extra to tack onto your bill. Jerks.
So far, I’m in the lead beating out Hitmen for Destiny, Thinkin Lincoln, and Cyanide and Happiness. Woo! Link.