Rosscott In the Wild: Philly Edition
A shout-out is worthy to Systemic (and legitimate IRL friend) Casey, who is responsible for the site BarGeek, and the comic Bad Ass Fajitas that is housed therein. She did a writeup on The System a while back, but this weekend our relationship was kicked into high gear (wait for the next sentence). I posted on My The Twitter about being in Philly and needing some recommendations , and we met up for a bit and chatted. Next time, I owe her a large beer. For now, she commemorated the experience in this comic. Link.
Thanks also go out to Systemics Lindsaytron, Tovias, Guigar, Wisemana, Lena, and Robyn for setting me up with some great places to go. Thanks, all! If you want a link here let me know, otherwise just know that I think you’re great.