System in the Wild: Bag Head Edition
Thanks to @pmbq (possible Systemic?) who took this pic, but also to Systemic Dern who sent it my way. It’s hard to say if the message is “this is awesome” or “this is bad for you”. Someone ask David Carradine (too soon?) LINK.
Thanks to Systemic Marty Fn Day for sending in this one. Possible restroom for Kangaroos? LINK.
Thanks to Systemic Cledwyn on this one. Sorry for the sizing, it’s the biggest I could find without recreating the whole thing. This is from a list of economic theories explained with “stick figures”. Stick figures? Really, guys? I expect more from a site called Chart Porn. LINK.
That’s it for now! More next week, but keep them coming! Send any cool things to systemcomic at the gmails!