Some Design Advice
Systemic Kevin sent in a link to this blog post, here’s the interesting part:
I’d like to leave you all with a friendly public service announcement: if your company has a graphic designer (or a “graphics person” or “graphic artist,” as you probably call them), don’t make them design stuff for your kid’s school. Just don’t do it. I know it makes sense because they work for you and you want to look like the #1 Class Mom, but please, don’t make them do that. It’s so unbelievably offensive. Because we didn’t coke ourselves out and stay awake for days on end and memorize the subtle differences between 500 typefaces to design the logo for your son’s football phone tree. It’s like asking your dentist friend to pick a piece the lettuce out of your teeth after lunch. So please, for me, don’t do it. Thank you.
So $*#&@ true. LINK.