The System 412: Literary
Literary douchebags are going to literally hate me after this one.
Do you know any literary douchebags? What are they like? Should that square shouldered guy be the new international symbol for “douchebag”? Discuss in the comments.
SOME SYSTEMIC ACTIONS (Things you can do!)
I would really like to know what The Grammar Nazi’s costume looks like. If someone puts that together (or multiple people do) I’ll post the creme de la creme on the site. Just email them to me at, and I’ll send the best one a little present from (our online store.)
Still trying to get a SXSW panel! If you help vote for mine and leave a comment that would really help out. You have to register through their site first, but they don’t send you any emails unless you ask them to. If I see 20 comments on that page (there’s 18 now) I promised a piece of custom artwork here on the site. I’ll do it, too! Of course, more than 20 is better… Unfortunately voting is closed, but thanks to all who tried! I’ll be sure to post on the site when I hear something.
It’s the last day for the preorder sale of Venn F%*king Diagrams T-Shirts, so get your orders in now!