The Top 6 Reasons This Infographic Is Just Wrong Enough to Sound Convincing

A little back story:
Zach “Zach Weinersmith” Weiner was looking for someone to help make his idea for this infographic a reality, and I was lucky enough to fit the bill thanks to some work I’d done with College Humor and, yknow, charts. So to be clear, Zach wrote this start to finish, and I did the design work to make it look awesome and real and stuff.
It went up on SMBC Comics earlier this week, and since has showed up on Slate! Oh, and Ezra “BAMF” Klein tweeted:
6 reasons this infographic is wrong, in one infographic:
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) November 7, 2013
Of course if you’d like to buy this chart as a poster, you should click here and make your dreams a reality.
So if you make webcomics and want to make a chart together, apparently you should talk to me.