The System 700: What Have We Learned?
Happy 700, gang!
Like numbers 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100, this is a recap of what we’ve learned in the last 100 comics put together with panels from the last 100. Try and catch all the references and post them in the comments!
You know what I’ve learned in the last 100 comics?
- I haven’t been updating consistently for a while.
- I’ve been saying that I’ll talk about it here “soon” for a while.
- I’ve written more comics about being stressed, scared, overwhelmed, and lost in the last 100 comics than pretty much ever before.
- That is probably due to the fact that within the last 100 comics is when I left my last job (teaching) and started my own design firm with a partner. Running a business is hard, you guys.
- You guys are amazing fans and I absolutely adore you for sticking with me through it all.
I love doing these comics and have thought seriously about ways I can justify giving the comic more time again, updating more and putting more stuff in the store and all that kinda stuff. I can’t make any guarantees but I want you to know I’m not going anywhere and I’m seriously thinking about it.
So there you go, gang! 700 down. Only 300 to go…