Some Notes on the New Site
Wow, what a launch! Lots of feedback, and a lot positive. Some negative. Of that, a lot constructive. Here’s some things that are going to be happening on my end:
- Adding in the “previous” button on the home page. I had it greyed out because I wasn’t sure it logistically made sense, but enough people asking for it convinced me. it’s coming back.
- Browser testing. I’m working my way through Firefox, Camino, Chrome, IE7 and beyond, going through all the issues and THERE ARE A LOT. I’m working on it, please be patient and feel free to send me screen shots along with notes about what browser/OS you’re using.
- Turbo Reader: I think I’m going to collapse the “below info” so it’s JUST comics. That’ll be really turbo, it’ll also take a couple weeks to implement but I think it’ll be awesome for quick reading.
- More comics! With the site launched, I’m going to be making sure to have better updates again. I hope.
Meanwhile, thanks so much for all the feedback! I read it all, positive, negative and everything in between. Just keep it constructive, that’s all I ask.
Hey Statistics Nerds!
For those of you that asked, here’s what’s been up with the stats since launch which I realize isn’t a very large sample site. Here’s some so-far details comparing the last month on the old site to the days since launch on the new one, using Google Analytics:
Pages per visit are up from 2.74 to 3.08. Truthfully not a huge change but it’s up and that’s nice. I’m thinking that, and all these other stats, are largely more due to people poking around the new site than anything.
Average duration is up from 00:01:30 to 00:01:37. Not huge but yay.
Bounce rate is down from 74.43% to 67.70%. Yay!
I’m avoiding new visit-related things because the site is too new to use them. Interestingly though, here’s the browser breakdown for the new site:
Wow, first of all, that’s a lot of Chrome. I’ll get right on that top-margin issue you guys. Here’s the mobile breakdown:
But here’s where it gets interesting, here’s the mobile breakdown from the old site:
Look at that difference in bounce rate and usage on mobile! SO MUCH LOWER. That is very encouraging, but again too early to make any calls.
Also, the % exit from the home page is down from 77.15% to 69.56%. That implies to me that more people are digging around instead of leaving, and that is part of the goal as well. Good on ya, users.
Oh, and one last thing that’s exciting. Before, among the top content types, “tags” didn’t even make the list. Nobody was using them, which was understandable since the site didn’t highlight them and their usage at all. Now “tag” (meaning any page listed by subject) and “tag-list” (the archive page with all the tags) are both in the top 10 of my analytics “content drilldown”.
Anyway, it’s an exciting start. More info when I have it, and more updates as they happen. If there’s more data/info you want that I can pull from Google Analytics, just let me know what to look for and I’ll try to provide. Just leave a note in the comments and I’ll respond.
Thanks again, all!