The System 315: Snowkill 2009

It’s ridiculous out there, and nobody telling you “it’s gonna snow” can really prepare you for it. Btw, if you’re talking about the snow (which I hope that you are), tag it with #snowkill2009 and spread the word. We’re making it a thing.
Btw, if you’re really cold, cut open a Tauntaun! Turns out I know the guy who came up with this. His name’s Christian and he’s the kickass designer over at ThinkGeek. I’m a little jealous of his job.
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The System 313: Front Ends

The System 312: Arial (Part 2)

Raise your hand if you’re surrounded by people who don’t understand of the value you put into your work.
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The System 311: Arial!?

The System 303: What We’ve Learned Lately

Here is that recap I promised, in the same vein as #100 and #200. As I said in the post on #300, thank you all for reading, commenting, sending in System in the Wild posts, and doing all the little things you do to support The System. I notice.
Remember, this, along with all comics, can be purchased as a comic print through! This one comes out to a Super A3/B print (13″ x 19″ paper for all you laymen) that is high quality poster awesomeness. It may be way bigger than the normal comic, but it’s still the same $10 at!
UPDATE: Systemic Lextrical put together a little “magic bean”, a piece of music based upon this comic. Here it is!
What We’ve Learned Lately by lextrical
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The System Guest Comic: Brandon J Carr

More like Brandon J Awesome! The other day on Twitter, Brandon asked for what to draw. A comic for me, I sez. Here it is.
As a note, I’ll be posting the big recap poster / comic about the last 100 (201 – 300) tomorrow, so consider this a week of extra comics as we try and get life back on track. Enjoy!
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The System 294: Disgusting or Convenient

The System 293: Sleep Training

After coming off of a con weekend, this is about how I feel. I think I’m zen, like I’ve somehow conquered the ability to sleep, until about 3pm. Then it all catches up. Apparently it hits this guy (let’s call him Geoff) a little earlier, or he eats a late lunch. Your call.
Remember, today is the last day of the Grand Opening Sale Thingy! Save money on the new Bike Sniper shirt, HELL Vetica, Jimmy the Murderdog, and prints of every comic in the archive (including this one)!
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The System 290: Project Creep

The System 289: Getting a Better Deal

Remember, the Grand Opening Sale of continues! Check it out, and buy a shirt or a print!