Guest Comic: Ataraxia Theatre – Garfield in Brazil
Systemic Joseph (or @Pyrrho12) put together 3 (yes, THREE!) guest comics for my trip. His stuff can be found at and in fact SHOULD be found there. In addition, he gave a little feedback on my web design for webcomics post:
On a completely unrelated point, I thought you might be interested to know that here in Korea most webcomics use a different navigation system than we do in the West. The comics are typically laid out as long vertical strips, so you can scroll through an entire chapter with just one click. There tend to be very few horizontal divisions. At the bottom of the chapter there’ll be a navigation menu where you can jump to the next chapter, previous chapter, or other related comics.
You can see some examples here:
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott