The System 808: Guide to Home Ownership

This is one in the “Rules and Terms” series, aka “The System’s Guide to ______”. Also considered for the series on home ownership (maybe to be revisited at a later time):
- How and when water heaters know when to break.
- Why all home owners love to rub it in when something goes wrong and say things like “ah, the joys of home ownership”.
- The number of trips necessary to the hardware store to get what you actually needed.
Some Convention Updates
DINK! Denver! See you next weekend!
If you are in the Denver area (Denver! Yeah!) I’m coming to DINK, the Denver Independent Comics and Art Expo this weekend, April 14-15. I have never been to Denver for a show, and would love to see some of you there. I’m bringing books, prints, and hopefully shirts if I can get them all into checked baggage. I know my friends Nick and Danielle will be there, so come hang out with us. I have no idea yet where my table will be but if you keep an eye on my Twitter account, I’ll announce it when I figure that out.
Awesome Con! I did it, was of course awesome.
Two weekends ago, I had a table at Awesome Con, and met a ton of sweet people. To all of you that came by and said “oh yeah, I’ve read this comic before” or “I used to read this when I was in high school” (*cough*, Enzo) or “why haven’t I heard of this before? I can’t wait to read it” (which, if you’re now reading this, I assume you’ve corrected), a sincere thank you. I know this project is not what it once was to me. It’s turned from “maybe The System is my route to fame and fortune” to “maybe I can make a ton of friends making comics” which has been a much happier place for me, and not to mention more sustainable. But more on that another time. I’ve gotten discouraged in the past by my lack of huge readership numbers, as much as I know I shouldn’t. But conventions always help to remind me that one “view” is oftentimes one reader, sitting at home, who maybe hasn’t read the comic in a while but gets a laugh out of it. And that really is a great feeling.
PAX East: Old friends, sushi boats, and nobody died.
This past weekend I was with the Super Art Fight gang doing a panel at PAX East (no table, just the show), which was loads of fun. A huge shout out to our friends that came to the show to support us. Specifically Allison, Pete, and their crew of awesome people as well as Victoria, Alyson, both Nicks, Animal Jenkins, and their entourage of people. Together, we sunk a sushi boat. I’m not kidding!
That’s all for now, gang. See you next week!
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The System 749: Calls With Rossmom

If you’re curious the position, I bet Rossmom will post it in the comments.
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The System 698: Almost There

This one took all day to get right.
Happy new year, one and all! I’m going to try to be updating more in the new year with some updates to the site as well. In the meantime, enjoy the new comic.
For those of you going to Magfest this weekend, come see Super Art Fight on Saturday in Panel Room 3!
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The System 671: Clicking

Every damn day.
The Kickstarter is still going. I could really use your help, I would love to get to $10k before it ends next friday. You want a book, right?
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The System 604: Coincidence?

SEE ALSO: Prevalence of Smart Phones / Pee on Toilet Seats in Men’s Rooms
The System 558: Carpe Gadget

While “carpe diem” is normally translated as “sieze the day”, this is actually not an accurate translation. “Carpe” is better translated as “to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather”, so it would be a better (though less catchy) definition to say “Pluck the day”. Of all the possible days you could pick for the day you might have, try to choose the best one you can. Or, in this case, do your best being careful with picking your gadgets.
See also: The Six Stages of Gadget Grief
San Francisco Bound
For those in the San Francisco area, I’m leaving tonight with cohorts of the Super Art Fight crew to head to Macworld | iWorld, to participate in our first ever west coast Super Art Fight appearance. If you’re attending Macworld, be sure to come by and check us out! If not, you can watch it LIVE. Details on the show and how to watch live here. Basically, at 2pm PST / 5pm EST on Friday, go to the Macworld uStream feed here (until 6pm):
While I’ve been to SF before, it’s been a while and I’m looking to find some good coffee, have some In-N-Out, and generally have a great time with the rest of the SAF crew. If you want to follow how that’s going, or share any local insight, be sure to follow along on Twitter as we post under #superartfight and #SF_SAF. Or just follow my general hijinks on Twitter @rosscott.
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The System 556: Outlets

So much for cordless devices.
SEE ALSO: The Full Gadget Ratio
The System 552: Antisocial Networking

Something about this post description was messing with the RSS feed, so I had to delete it. It wasn’t that clever anyway.
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The System 551: Going Home

Can you see the family resemblance?
Happy holidays, all!
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The System 550: Orders of Magnitude

Happy holidays, all! And sorry for the lack of consistent updates, but the new System website work is in full swing, and I’ve prioritized it ahead of comics lately. It’ll be back on track soon I hope, as we’re entering the time of year where I actually have some time.
Meantime, go spend time with your family! And by “family” I mean “video games”.