Mad Men Was Awesome Yesterday
I haven’t put a forum on the site (do you think I should? would you use it?) so I don’t have a great place to put this except in the post. As you must know by now, I’m a huge fan of Mad Men and have posted about it as much as I can in the past. In fact I have a small but happy tradition of watching it with my Internet Bro Marty via gChat every Sunday night.
All of this to say that this latest episode “The Gypsy and the Hobo” blew my mind. BLEW. MY. MIND. What a great episode. So since I have a website and I can do what I want with it, I’m opening up the comments on this post to be a Mad Men discussion thread on the latest episode. Click on the link for my thoughts, keeping in mind they will be spoilers-a-plenty.
So if you saw the episode and/or love the show, post your thoughts on it below.