Rate It All!
I’m sure you probably noticed the “Review” widget now added to the sidebar. It’s a little widget produced by RateItAll.com which lets you do, well, exactly what it looks like you can do. We have a Systemic planted deep in the midst of RateItAll, and they asked me to be a part of the launch of this new widget. I was more than happy to oblige. NOTE: I get NO money for this.
So here is a call to all true Systemics. Use the widget on the right or go to the site here and review the comic. Be honest (especially if you love the comic) and let the world know what you think. As of the time I’m writing this, The System is listed as #7, up from #17 a few days ago. HELP ME GET IT TO #1.
So what’s in it for you? If you go write a review, then post the link to the review in the comments of this post, I’ll email you a completely unique, just-for-this-call-to-action piece of System desktop artwork. You will be the envy of all of your friends and enemies!
A litte info on the site: RateItAll.com is a cool review site for literally EVERYTHING. Your favorite restaurant, a book, a website, your new shirt, whatever. It’s a great concept and I’m hoping it catches on. Why deal with different rating sites for every piece of media, and not have it all in one place, right?