The System 371: The Great Flash Debate

For those best represented by the last panel:
Apple doesn’t show anything made in Adobe Flash on the iPhone or iPad, and Steve Jobs released a statement all about it. Adobe has shot back with an ad campaign marked “We <3 Apple” linking to their take on Flash. Meanwhile every designer I know feels like their parents are fighting (after all, this site is brought to you by Adobe Illustrator on a MacBook Pro) and everyone else out there doesn’t give a crap and doesn’t fully understand why some sites aren’t loading on their shiny new iPhone.
What’s made in Flash? What is it on the web that such users are missing out on? I asked RossMom if she knew what Flash was one time, and she asked me “you mean on the camera?” I explained that I meant on the computer, and she had no idea what I was talking about. Her and the millions of casual users out there like her just want things to work, they don’t care if it’s a crazy glitzy website for a movie or a video embedded on a website. Reminds me of the whole Ikea changing their font thing.
I just get the theme from Flash Gordon stuck in my head any time someone mentions Flash.
UPDATE: If you’re viewing this post in Google Reader, there’s some issues seeing the comic. It’s on the site in the meantime, so you may have to just click through. Or, here’s the image itself.