The System 478: Future Keys

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The System 420: More Future World Problems

Seriously, how sick are you of #FutureWorldProblems right now? Not at all? GOOD. I figured we’d wrap up this week-and-a-half of guest comics with one more comic on topic from me, just to ease us back into our normal insanity. Thanks to Dern from Hello With Cheese, who was with me driving back from NJ when I wrote this, and contributed to it in the kind of back-and-forth writing I don’t normally get to do with other artists as much as I’d like.
Thanks again to everyone who submitted comics for #FutureWorldProblems! I still have a few that I know I haven’t posted, we’ll get to those soon. In the meantime, hope you enjoyed this comic and I’ll see you all on Friday.
Thanks to:
- Bill “All New Issues” Ellis
- Michael “Orneryboy” Lalonde
- Ami “Glass Urchin” B
- H Caldwell “Loldwell” Tanner
- Jamie “In His Likeness” Hatton
- Justin from “Left-Handed Toons”
- and Chris “Sledgebunny” Impink
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Future World Problems: Damn Earlibirds

This week will be full of comics by my fellow webcomic creators and the creme de la creme of visual entries to the FutureWorldProblems contest I mentioned the other day. If you like this charming entry, check out the original post with FutureWorldProblems here, or the first comic on the subject here.
UPDATE: Ah, dernit! In my sleep deprivation and idiocy I forgot to mention that today’s comic, while drawn amazingly by Ami (mentioned below) was written in the car while Dern from “Hello With Cheese” and I were driving back from Wild Pig Con last weekend. We spent half the ride writing jokes for our own comics, each others, and generally being clever. Hello With Cheese is an amazing comic I talk more about below.
Today’s comic comes from Ami “Auilix” B of The Glass Urchin. Ami and her partner-in-drinking Bree have been around the East Coast convention scene for the last couple of years, though I can’t remember exactly when we first met. I do know that I was a fan of her comic long before, as it is adorable. It is autobiographical, though she depicts herself and all the other recurring characters as adorable animals living in a normal-people sized world. Trust me when I say it’s worth reading from the beginning, as the evolution of her art as well as her storytelling has been amazing to watch. Maybe some day I’ll do something interesting enough in her presence to get drawn into the comic, though I wouldn’t ask for it. She’s already complained about people doing that.
The most recent news is that due to excess submissions from artists (and a lack of complaints from you the readers,) #FutureWorldProblems will extend into next week! I love the all the submissions I’ve received so much I may put all these and any others I find on their own site, as I know Registered Weapon has already gotten in on the action on their own site, and rumor has it a few others are in the works. If more artists send me comics, I will find a way to post them. SOMEHOW.
UPDATE AGAIN: In addition to today’s comic featuring FWP, Obsidian and his cohort Dern have put together a FutureWorldProblems comic over at Hello With Cheese today, as well as O putting together one of his own over at Commissioned Comic. Thanks to O and Dern for the posts, taking the idea a step further, and for being some of the friendliest webcomic artists I know.
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Future World Problems
UPDATE: I’m now running a contest based on this thread, you should check out the latest comic post for more details. I also updated this with more as of Thursday afternoon. THIS IS NOT THE COMPLETE COLLECTION. Merely what I saw when I tried to search for them and pick out some highlights. Go search it on Twitter here to see more.
This morning I started a hashtag on twitter that started the whole world laughing. It’s called #futureworldproblem and here are some posted so far:
- My super double hyper local blog only has 5 readers. 4 are my robot servants, the last is my mom. #futureworldproblems
- The dream police start really cracking down. #futureworldproblems
- Google Wave comes back as an actual tidal wave that wipes out the eastern seaboard. #futureworldproblems
- My robot is only programmed to serve me single martinis and not doubles. #futureworldproblem
- Teleporter is on the fritz. Going to have to fly my car to work. #futureworldproblem
- Using tubes to zoom all over town sometimes makes me a little nauseus. #futureworldproblem
- The phone in my head doesn’t great reception as the one in my watch and I have to transfer all my contacts manually. #futureworldproblems
- I forgot where I parked my invisible spaceship. #futureworldproblems
- Dammit George Jetson’s dumb dog peed on my lawn while muttering something about “ruh roh”. AGAIN. #futureworldproblems
- The consumer version of the LHC, the Small Hadron Collider, only comes in black, white, and avocado. I wanted sky blue. #futureworldproblems
- Just found out my girlfriend is a Cylon, but she’s Jewish. So my mom’s happy but Adama is pissed. #futureworldproblems
From @revvoice:
- My interociter is on the fritz… #futureworldproblem
From @martyfnday:
- This meal pill is overcooked! #futureworldproblem
- The zipper in the only jumpsuit I ever have to wear, ever is jammed. #futureworldproblem
- President Jeb Bush #futureworldproblems
- Having TV in the eye is great! Minus the ads that take up your whole field of vision. #badfordrivingflyingcars #futureworldproblems
- Facebook sure got weird when it mandated images of all of our genitals. #futureworldproblems #yourecrazyforthisonezuck
- Betty White just won’t stop yammering! #futureworldproblems
From @scubaninja:
- The vacusuck toilet is stuck on suck, and I didn’t notice it until *after* I sat down. #futureworldproblem
From @spkr4thedead51:
- You mean #wmata is in charge of the global mass transit system? #futureworldproblem
- Those bastards blew it up #futureworldproblems #amidoingitright?
- Where the hell is my flying car #futureworldproblems
- whose idea was it to use dilithium crystals anyway? they fry out every time there’s any sort of power fluctuation! #futureworldproblems
- Still can’t watch movies in 3D without those stupid fucking glasses #futureworldproblems
From @drewdernavich:
- What’s the password for my kidneys? #futureworldproblems
- Google Instant Mother-in-Law has some, um, annoying bugs that need to be worked out. #futureworldproblems
- Senator Yoko Ono is once again running for re-election unopposed. #futureworldproblems
From @lionthetiger:
- My twitter feed is stuck in open and keeps blocking my vision. I need to reboot my brain. #futureworldproblems
- Facebook privacy is “broken” (by design) and is autoposting my every thought to the whole world. #futureworldproblems
- #Fuck #and #damn #this #twitter #virus #forces #me #to #think #in #hashtags #futureworldproblems
From @JoshRockCity:
- My iPhone still can’t make any phone calls. #futureworldproblems
- I just know my flying car is going to fall out of the sky the minute its paid for. #futureworldproblems
- My X-ray glasses can’t see through underwear anymore either. #futureworldproblems
From @ironsolo:
- My sex robot is cheating on me with the robot maid.#futureworldproblems
From @bluntcakes:
- My antigravity moonboots don’t have the 25+ feet bounce in them like they used to. #futureworldproblems
- My roomba has demanded union representation. #futureworldproblems
- Introducing the new KFC DodecaDown. #futureworldproblems
- #futureworldproblems Shortage of trash threatens use of Mr. Fusion worldwide.
- #futureworldproblems Bacon prices continue to skyrocket.
- #futureworldproblems Burglar’s Guild gives “Lifetime Achievement Award” to developers of FourSquare.
- My sexbot’s batteries ran out 🙁 #futureworldproblems
- Flash CS27 keeps crashing on me, argh stupid Adobesoft. #futureworldproblems
- Taiwan accuses China of hurting it’s solar power production by forming big clouds from the ocean with submarines #futureworldproblems
- We’ve already gone to Mars twice on vacation; let’s go someplace else this time. #futureworldproblems
- You just plug yourself in and be grateful Z-39! Don’t you know there are starving robots in Africa? #futureworldproblems
- My holodeck cleaning service wants to raise the rates again! #futureworldproblems
- I hate that the vaccine that cures everything for the rest of my life gave me the sniffles for 15 minutes #futureworldproblems
- The line at the DHV (Department of Hover Vehicles) is SO LONG. I had to wait an entire MINUTE yesterday! #futureworldproblems
- All of Raul Julia’s great works are lost, leaving him remembered as “That guy from Street Fighter” #futureworldproblems
- Japan genetics experts to discover a way to birth children who look like anime characters. #futureworldproblems
- #futureworldproblems Ashton Kutcher starring in “Dude, Where’s My Hovercar.”
- I don’t have time to teleport down to Radio Shack to buy replacement nuclear cells for my cyborg body. #futureworldproblems
- I can’t remember what singing sounds like without autotune #futureworldproblems
- I remember when 300 lbs. was obese, not anorexic #futureworldproblems
That gives you some idea of how it works. As of now it’s still going strong, so let’s use just the plural #futureworldproblems moving forward, and see what we can come up with! Add them in the commentsor on Twitter.
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The System 400: What Else We’ve Learned

Welcome to comic #400, and the 2-year anniversary of The System! I know what you’re saying, comic #1 was posted July 1st. True, but it went live somewhere around July 8th and y’know what? Close enough.
Since then we’ve seen lots of changes to the site, from some recurring characters to comics that have been across the internet and back (with varying amounts of credit thrown my way). I could not have made it this far if not for the help of my many friends (both those with websites and without) and fans who have encouraged and supported this project along the way.
Over the next few weeks you will start seeing some improvements around here, as some new personal opportunities have come up that will allow for some more time and effort to be put on the comic and its various accoutrement. If you’re a fan of the site and would like to do your part, check out the online store and consider supporting the comic and taking something home while you’re at it. If you don’t see something you like don’t worry, preorder for BOOK 1 of The System will be going up soon along with other pieces of amazingness.
For those of you less monetarily inclined but with plenty of free time, it always helps when you share comics on StumbleUpon, Reddit, forums, blogs, BoingBoing or any other sites you frequent. Or for that matter just participating around here by commenting on posts and talking back as I use this site (and Twitter, and Tumblr) to talk at you. I know RossMom always appreciates it, and at this point I think we can pretty much call her a moderator. And yeah, that’s my mom.
Also upcoming, I’m going to start posting a bit of a retrospective on how The System is doing in an effort to show you guys what goes on behind the scenes and also get some thoughts out. Posts about how I’ve gotten this far (if you call this far) and what I’ve learned along the way. For those who like that kind of inside baseball I think you’ll appreciate them. For those that don’t, well, there’s always the comic.
Speaking of the comic, can you pick out where all the panels are from? The art is all from previous comics starting between comic #304 and #399. See what you can do and post it in the comments!
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The System 372: Boltzmann

Greetings, Slashdot-ers!
We here at Rosscott, Inc. glady welcome our new Slashdot overlords. Seriously though, look around! There’s plenty of comics in the veins of flying cars, charts, and other things that I would consider Slashdot-approved. If you really love the comic (this one, or in general) there’s even the HilariAwesome store where I sell prints of the comic, shirts and hopefully more soon. Finally, so you never have to actually look at the site again, there’s an RoSS feed of the site. Subscribe.
After 140 years, the Boltzmann Equation has been solved. the Boltzmann Equation has been verified, “by solving the equation for all types of collisions, including the type of small-angle collision never previously included in the analysis.” (Thanks, Heath!) Sure, it’s about gaseous behavior (heh) but I’m guessing any guys that can solve that might as well be hooking up a flying car. Why they didn’t just look in the back of the book for the answer to the Boltzmann Equation decades ago is beyond me.
Site Update: There’s now alt texts with comics. Only the last few, but I may go back and add some here and there, just to keep you guys on your toes. Oh, and the comic images? Just click ’em and it’ll take you through the archive. Quick and easy!
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The System 320: New Decade

What do you hope for in the new decade?
UPDATE: Early comments are saying you guys want this on a shirt! Would you buy it on a shirt as the newest thing on my store,
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The System 303: What We’ve Learned Lately

Here is that recap I promised, in the same vein as #100 and #200. As I said in the post on #300, thank you all for reading, commenting, sending in System in the Wild posts, and doing all the little things you do to support The System. I notice.
Remember, this, along with all comics, can be purchased as a comic print through! This one comes out to a Super A3/B print (13″ x 19″ paper for all you laymen) that is high quality poster awesomeness. It may be way bigger than the normal comic, but it’s still the same $10 at!
UPDATE: Systemic Lextrical put together a little “magic bean”, a piece of music based upon this comic. Here it is!
What We’ve Learned Lately by lextrical