The System 800: What Now?

It’s been, jeez, three and a half years since I last did one of these recap comics. And over nine years since I started The System. If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say “recap comics”, every 100 comics (like numbers 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100) we take a step back and review what we’ve learned. To say that three and a half years ago feels like an eternity feels like an understatement. Here’s some updates from the world here at System HQ:
- 5 years ago I started a design firm. 3.5 years ago there were three of us. Now there’s seven.
- A relationship didn’t work out. You may have picked up on some subtext about that.
- There was a bout with anxiety and depression.
- I moved! Twice. From that one-bedroom to a studio, and that studio to a house.
- Oh yeah! I live in a house now! And that house also has an amazing girlfriend in it.
- That house has a very nice bike commute to work.
- And of course, it has felt oftentimes like the world is going to hell.
I have debated calling the comic quits here at comic number 800. As it is, I can take every 200 comics and catch up on publishing books, and it will make for a nice four-book set. They can each be color-coded as C-M-Y-K (the first was yellow, the second is going to be cyan, we’re going a little out of order but we can get there). Truthfully though, I don’t want to put a giant period at the end of this project. As much as it sucks to have it lingering, when I do find the time to put one of these comics together it still means a great deal to me, and I’ve heard from some of you it means a great deal to you as well.
So for now, consider the project moving at a colossally slow rate for the time being. Book 2 is actually all designed and ready to go, and as soon as I find some time I’ll be putting together a Kickstarter for it so y’all can order your own copies. Hopefully the last two books will follow, and with them more comics.
Also, if you are a convention-going type, I still am hitting up the convention circuit with shirts, books, prints, and touring with the Super Art Fight gang.
Meanwhile, I’ll keep posting comics until morale improves.
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The System 652: Goggle Mail

Have you heard about Goggle’s new features? They seem awesome!
Had a lot of fun with that “Goggle Mail” logo:
The System 569: Common Helpful Answers to Technology Problems

UPDATE: If you like the comic, vote for it on Slashdot! Link is here:
I’m sick of this happening every time I ask for help with a tech issue. I’m savvy enough to know to do the obvious stuff, and now there’s a way to get that across without saying “I’m not an idiot.” It’s called PUG:
- P: Powered Down
- U: Updated
- G: Googled for the Problem
Let’s start using it! IT pros, you’re with me. I know you deal with a lot of idiots, so take this as a chance to educate! Ask the next idiot who asks you a question, “did you PUG it?” Boom. Done. Right?
Oh, and yes. It’s a poster. It’s for sale for $10 plus shipping:
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The System 546: Updated Shakespeare

I tried this, and Siri only found a Monastery. Come on, Siri! Get with it!
I also considered:
- Googling the nearby kingdom for nearest horses
- Photoshopping out damned spots!
- Google: “thesaurus: rose”
- To put my computer to sleep, perchance to dream
- “@sampson: Hey @abraham! #bitemythumb”
Any other jokes in there I missed? Post them here, or on Twitter under #updatedshakespeare. I’m watching!
Also, all shirts still on sale through the end of this week! So before the end of the day Saturday, all shirts are just $15 plus shipping! Check it all out over at
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The System 507: Google Plus Plus

I was collecting my thoughts on Google+, the new social media OMG media social twitter facebook friend place thing, and came across this XKCD comic. I get Mr. Munroe’s point (also seen above in the first three panels) but had to add on my take on the situation. I’m sure you’re already familiar with XKCD, but of course, credit where it’s due. Go check it out.
Also, posted this on my new Google+ (link to my profile). Yes, I signed up anyway. I mean hey, it’s not Facebook.
Post your Google+ thoughts in the comments.
Oh, and I do sell this t-shirt. Just sayin’.
See something? Cite something. GRAPHICS!
Here are some quick photoshops of the final images of the comic. Feel free to use as you like, but please credit both Caldwell (if it doesn’t look stiff, he drew it and deserves credit) and myself where appropriate. If anyone asks you where you find it, you know where to send ’em.
If you really like one of these images, remember that all three are available on t-shirts and as a poster at It is a joint venture between myself and Caldwell, so if you decide to support us by purchasing something, we both benefit.
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Future World Problems: Loldwell Edition

This week will be full of comics by my fellow webcomic creators and the creme de la creme of visual entries to the FutureWorldProblems contest I mentioned the other day. If you like this charming entry, check out the original post with FutureWorldProblems here, or the first comic on the subject here.
Today’s comes from webcomic pal and internet cohort Caldwell “Loldwell” Tanner of He’s blended The System and Loldwell together! Of course, you’ve probably seen his stuff before even if you haven’t seen it there, as he is also a full-time cartoonist for That’s right, he gets paid for this stuff, which is more than most of us can say. Of course it’s all warranted, his work is great.
Even if you’re not a huge fan, you probably have seen some of his more famous comics before. The “what kind of artist are you?” comic is how I first found him (due to a link on Crooked Gremlins, thanks for posting that Carter). Caldwell was even nice enough to give me a poster of that one, which hangs right next to my desk. There’s also two of his “cycle comics” that I then based my “Cycle of Time Suck” comic on. I guess people love cycles.
Tomorrow we finish up guest comic #FutureWorldProblems week, but the hashtag is still going strong on The Twitters. If you post a good one there, I’ll retweet it out myself. If it’s the best thing ever, maybe I’ll do a comic about it.
So how are you guys liking #FutureWorldProblems guest comic week? A departure from our usual content I know, but a chance for me to showcase the work of people whose comics I love. Post your thoughts on this comic and also the whole series in the comments!
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The Beast File Covers Google (SitW?)
Part System in the Wild, part Google is Scary. All interesting stuff! If you like it, check out other videos by The Beast File. I can’t find a web page for this project as a whole, but there’s plenty out there easily Googled. (See what I did there?)
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The System 291: Google Wave

BELITISM: The feeling of being better than those around you, based on your inclusion in a “beta test”.
Seriously, I was thinking Google Wave would change my world. Since installing it and playing with it for 15 minutes, I have barely touched it. With nobody on it, I can’t say I’m that interested. People don’t use it “correctly” (and by that I mean “to its advantages”) and it is another place I have to keep track of. Aren’t Twitter, Multiple Email accounts, my website and my RSS feed enough? I’m not adding to that list.
UPDATE: Bree “Sex Drugs and June Cleaver” Rubin has decided to a comic on Google Wave as well, and it includes me! And buckets, tea parties, and bears. Check it out.
And of course, if you like today’s comic (or any of the other stuff I claim to sell) check out Hilariawesome, the new online store. Help support the comic you put up with!