The System in the Wild: Murderdog Edition
A special System in the Wild post / guest comic from Systemic Kirb Hysteria, who sent me this comic featuring My Little Pony characters as well as your favorite murderous canine. You can check out his DeviantArt page here.
I love seeing stuff like this! Thanks for sending it my way! I encourage all of you to make your own System stuff. In fact, here’s a PNG of Jimmy the Murderdog (click for a huge one). GO NUTS.
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The System: Guest Comic by Jeff Beckman

Thanks to Jeff Beckman, writer of the new comic Ulti-Man, for sending in this guest comic. I think he’s onto something, either that or he’s eaten one too many meals from a 7-Eleven.
Ulti-Man follows the ongoing tales of a hero who used to save the world from monsters, and now just kinda goes about his everyday life.
To answer the question I know you’re thinking, YES. We’re going back to consistent updates. Life is calming down, and while there’s always projects in the works, there must also be new content on the site. So watch for that all week and going forward as well. Thanks for sticking with me, Systemics!
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The System: Guest Comic by EatToast

Thanks to EatToast, who drew this and put it on my table at InterventionCon while I was home with that huge fever I mentioned. It’s been said by some that this comic pretty much sums up every System comic on the site. I’ll leave that to you the viewer to decide.
EatToast is an amazing artist who is also involved with Super Art Fight, where she dresses in this amazing costume and performs as an artist. Then afterwards she does hilarious post-game interviews (see video below).
Also, I posted a few interesting things over at my Tumblr account. I drew something cool and made two poster-looking things. You should go check them out here.
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Guest Comic: In His Likeness

My man James Hatton, bringing us home! I’m posting this ahead of time, but also in the hopes the rapture catches up to us so he can be spot on. I realize it’s now June 8th in your world, but this joke is STILL RELEVANT from where I’m sitting. I’m either scheduling this post ahead of time or there’s wifi on my faster than light Virgin Intergalactic flight.
Go read In His Likeness, and if you ever get the chance to attend a con where James is doing anything, listen to the man speak. He knows how to talk better than he knows how to write comics (and that isn’t a dig on his comics).
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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Guest Comic: @DoGudSnd

UPDATE: Apologies for the wrong comic appearing, and an old one from the archive at that! Here’s the comic that was SUPPOSED to show up, thanks again to @DoGudSnd (Mike) for sending it in!
Thanks @DoGudSnd for sending this one in!
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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Guest Comic: Ataraxia Theatre – Everyman Comics

Another guest comic from Ataraxia Theatre and Systemic Joseph. Thanks!
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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Guest Comic: Ataraxia Theatre – Garfield in Brazil

Systemic Joseph (or @Pyrrho12) put together 3 (yes, THREE!) guest comics for my trip. His stuff can be found at and in fact SHOULD be found there. In addition, he gave a little feedback on my web design for webcomics post:
On a completely unrelated point, I thought you might be interested to know that here in Korea most webcomics use a different navigation system than we do in the West. The comics are typically laid out as long vertical strips, so you can scroll through an entire chapter with just one click. There tend to be very few horizontal divisions. At the bottom of the chapter there’ll be a navigation menu where you can jump to the next chapter, previous chapter, or other related comics.
You can see some examples here:
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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Guest Comic: Dante Shepard

UPDATE: if you aren’t seeing the comic, I’m working on a fix even here from Wales where I’m staying. I can’t garuantee when it’ll be fixed but I’m aware and working on it. Fixed!
If you aren’t reading @danteshepherd’s Surviving the World, you should be. I got a chance to meet Dante at JohnCon this year, and found out that he’s a really awesome guy! Gave a great talk on the future of comics, which was part of what inspired my tirade on web design, so thanks for that. Also, due to his nature of actually standing IN his comics, he is probably the most recognizable face in all of webcomics. Thanks again, Dante, I owe you one!
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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Guest Comic: Corey

Systemic Corey (@CozworthGrind) heard my plea for a guest comic, and was the first to leap to respond. Considering this week’s rapture, his is up first. Thanks, Corey! Btw, his comic can be found at
If you, whether you have a webcomic or not, would ever like to do a guest comic, I’m always up for seeing what you have. I make NO GARUANTEES about it being posted, but I’m always listening. Just send it to systemcomic at gmail.
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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All Those Voices (Guest comic by James Hatton)

I was in a bike accident on Sunday and beyond any physical damage (stitches in my chin and a severe blow to my pride) I’m playing catch-up all this week, so you guys get some guest comics!
Hatton and I clearly share a kinship, as his comic In His Likeness uses a sort of minimalism akin to what goes on often here at The System. Of course the style and usage are very different, as his is much more of a continuing story following God, the Devil, etc. This is also most likely a reference to a guest comic I did for him recently which you should check out here.
The minute I posted word about the accident and the need for guest comics, Hatton jumped to it straight away. As much as we jibe at each other, he’s a good friend and it’s moments like that that make doing a website by myself actually fell like much more of a community.
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes
A quick thank you to all of you from both Rossmom and myself! You helped her celebrate her 60th birthday in style, leaving a whopping 58 comments! I know, half of them are her responses, but I give you credit all the same. The times this site goes from a monologue to a dialogue are always great for me, and for that I thank all of you Systemics. Also, this was a really cheap gift to give her, so that helped too.
Trivia Night Sunday
Any of you in the DC area should come by Bedrock Billiards in Adams Morgan on Sunday night, I’ll be hosting a trivia night. Topics will include (but not be limited to) “Stupid Shit on the Internet”, a favorite of mine. It’s free to come and play, and the winner gets $50 off Sunday night’s bar tab, as well as a shirt from the store. Bring a few friends and come along!