The System 685: Keynotes

Innovative, revolutionary paradigm-shifting, dicking around on the Internet.
I made this comic during the keynote yesterady (before they’d really announced anything new) and I’m amazed how true it is. For all things. Ever. So I posted it on Tumblr just to get it out fast yesterday. Sometimes I post things on my Tumblr, btw.
So tell me, Systemics. Are you an Apple fan-person? Do you care about all the new stuff? Ever? Never?
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The System 588: Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is the new thing, and if you ask me DAMN interesting. It can solve a lot of problems for web sites, since it means not having to build a separate mobile site. Everything just works fine on every device! Of course, building one is a lot of extra work and planning, not to mention that it is a lot of tedious little maths. Still, you can see some great examples of responsive sites in action over at, and learn about them from the beginning with Ethan Marcotte’s first article on the matter over at A List Apart. There’s also now a book on it, too!
Oh, and the new site? TOTALLY RESPONSIVE.
Last chances to get the deal of the century on CATS DON’T CARE shirts! Next up for is something with this comic/chart. As soon as I figure out what. Suggestions in the comments?
The System 556: Outlets

So much for cordless devices.
SEE ALSO: The Full Gadget Ratio
The System 474: Just Stopped Working

Another week, more comics! Just a reminder, I’m heading off to SXSW at the end of this week to bum around, geek out, and party hard with all the other Film/Interactive/Comedy types. I’m going to put up a post about all this later today, but if you’ll be there, let me know! I’d love to meet up with some friends and Systemics.
Also, SUPER ART FIGHT IN DC! March 18th! I haven’t done a good job keeping up with the hype train, but if you’re in the area please help me make this a hit!