The System 704: Designers Are…

(You can buy this as an 11×17 poster from my online store here.)
When I was teaching Intro to Graphic Design, I would give a speech very similar to this comic. A lot of times people use a pencil to represent graphic designers (because we’re creative? We write things sometimes?), but I think this is a better analogy. Designers use creativity, but we are precise and analytical and, well, all the other things I mention in this chart.
Consider this my ode to designers.
A lot of times (especially lately) people have asked me what designers do. Or rather, assumed what designers do. Here’s what we don’t do:
- Sit on our asses until an idea strikes.
- Play around all day.
- Make things just look pretty.
- Throw things together.
We actually:
- Consider the best solution to problems.
- Edit content to better make a point.
- Edit a layout to better emphasize content.
- Wonder how to best reach the goals of a project.
- Think about how one change may have 1,000 ramifications to other moving pieces of the project.
- Research what tools can best get the job done.
- Pay attention to every detail of the final result.
I’m sure I missed some. Help me fill them in the comments.
The System 624: Coffee Lines

It’s not often I can fit guns, knives, and coffee in the same comic.
If you like Jimmy the Murderdog (who doesn’t?), limited quantities of the Jimmy The Murderdog shirts are still available here.
Super Art Fight in LA! This coming weekend! Meltdown / Nerdmelt Comics! Be there! Tickets here!
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The System 562: Don’t Mention It

Yep. And this isn’t the first use of the “boxes” tag.
So, Systemics! How the heck are you guys? I miss you.
The System 536: Badass

Are you a badass? If not, why not?
The System 530: How long until the next bus?

This one is dedicated to NextBus, DC’s public transit system WMATA, and the 15% of all busses on the timetables that actually don’t exist when you go to wait for them.
Oh yeah! SPX is this weekend here in the DC area! The Small Press Expo is a pretty amazing show, and performing as part of the Ignatz Awards is none other than SUPER ART FIGHT. If you are going to SPX, be sure to come by the Ignatz Awards and stay for our show! Should be about 10pm and runs about an hour.
If seeing me make an idiot of myself in front of a bunch of comic industry professionals isn’t enough, the show itself is also really great. I always find something new to like at this show, and attend just to walk around every year (though it would be nice to have a table).
Next year. I hope.
The System 527: Order of It All

Thanks to Rachel for help with the punchline.
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The System 425: Life Skype

Sorry for the lack of any real post-substance on Tuesday (and the fact that the comic was up Tuesday and not Monday), but the weekend in NYC at New York Comic Con killed me pretty fiercely. I’m planning to write more about it in the future, but in the meantime thanks to all of you who came by the table! The fans who said hi, the new people who found the comic, and the other comic-friends who bothered to come by. The weekend was a huge success, and I’ll definitely be going back next year.
Super Art Fight 8: This Friday!
If you are anywhere in the viscinity of Baltimore or DC, you should make your way to Baltimore’s The Ottobar on Friday night for an event I help put on called SUPER ART FIGHT 8 with special musical guest, nerdcore rapper MC FRONTALOT. You can get all the info you need on why this is awesome and tickets here. The short version? It’s somewhere between Pictionary and Pro Wrestling, with all your favorite artists fighting to the death for your approval. If that doesn’t get you interested, I don’t know what will. See you there Friday!
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The System 384: Feeling Some Burning

It’s true, I’ve started going to a personal trainer. Between the costs and the way I feel afterward, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was trying to kill me. That’s how they get you, after all.
While the Coffee Wins Shirts contest is closed, I’ll be posting some of the entries later today and announcing the winner tomorrow. Stay tuned!
The System 296: Not That Scary

BONUS COMIC FOR THE WEEKEND! Can you name all the costumes?