The System 488: Ask The System

I’ve always wondered about self-referential things like this. Web sites about how to make web sites. Television shows about TV. Blogs about other blogs. And yeah, go cats.
Stay tuned, later today I’m posting a really long thing about web design and webcomics. Today’s the day.
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The System 410: Juice Drink

“I’m so serious I’m using abbreviations” needs to get used more often. Also, I hate the phrase “in this economy” so g-ddamn much. So much so, I’ve made a drinking game out of it! If you ever hear anyone use the phrase, you shout out “DRINK!” and take a drink. Of anything. Anything at all. Why do you shout? So people know you’re making fun of them, of course.
Remember that Venn Diagram shirt? It’s only staying this cheap for another couple days. Shirts or GTFO! See what I did there? I knew you would, you guys are smart cookies.
More comicky goodness on Friday, all. As always, thanks for coming by the site and sharing some of your boring day with my website.
As the site says, “English translations of Eastern Bloc lolcats”. Link.
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The System 96

We’re going to start Guest Comic Week a day early, so watch tomorrow and all of next week for guest comics from some good friends of The System. Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon. Expect the same fun lame-ass content from this blog that you otherwise have come to expect in the meantime.