The System 798: Party

The System 732: Cat Burglar

I was rewatching Batman: The Animated Series and it occurred to me that there is just no way anyone could train a cat. Even Isis. Yes, in a world of Batman and mutants, my problem is with the personalities of the cat.
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The System 668: More Than One Way

Don’t worry, the cat is okay.
Kickstarter Will Be Shoved In Your Face Until Preorders Improve
Still happening! For just $10 you get a digital copy of the book, and for $25 you get the book and, if we raise another $800 or so, a poster AND a digital copy of the book. To be honest, I’m so busy at work I haven’t had much time to shout to Reddit, BoingBoing, and wherever else I can think of about the project so if you have a chance to share it on the forums, blogs, and social medias you visit I would consider that as much of a gesture as supporting it with money. Please and thanks!
I also just added a new reward level, for $40 you get 2 copies of the book. I’ve overdone it with the exclamation points today, but I’m pretty excited about that. Hope you are too.
Otakon This Weekend
More details available at Super Art Fight dot com!
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The System 573: Dear Diary

The System 537: Universal Truths

It’s true. Most popular comics in the archive are:
- Being Angry on The Internet…
(339,127 Pageviews) - Being Mad in Traffic
(251,204 Pageviews) - Sharing Things on The Internet
(289,963 Pageviews) - I Played Super Mario Brothers Growing Up
(114,971 Pageviews) - People Can’t Drive
(90,138 Pageviews)
Oh, and what’s that? A new poster? OKAY! It’s only $10 and is, as you can guess, AWESOME. For more jokery in the description, or to purchase, click THIS HERE.
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The System 528: Speeding

It’s all about the journey, man.
By the way, a HUGE THANKS to the bunch of you who donated to help me fix my computer! Together, you raised over $200, which covers most of the $310 bill to get it working again. This wound up being extra crucial, as my job’s pay schedule is screwed up and has left me with no money until October 1, so I actually couldn’t have done it without you (or the help of a loan shark). That custom comic I mentioned is in the works, and when I get my comp back in a few days I will be sure to send it out.
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The System 526: Emergency Preparedness

For those of you in DC and on the East Coast.
Oh, and I just got approved for Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo! See you there?
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The System 459: Cycling Terms

Another “terms” comic. I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I love working on them. They always turn out well I think. Today’s comic is actually based on a true story of biking to work last week, where a guy zoomed by me, leaving only inches to spare, only to get pulled over a quarter mile later. Serves him right in my mind, as I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Makes you wish everyone just wasn’t in such a hurry all the time. Has this kind of thing ever happened to you?
To those that have stuck around since “chart-okalypse”, thanks! Hope you like what you’re seeing around here. As a recap on the chart, we’re working on a “PG” version of the chart as well as some more items that feature some of the artwork, including Professor Internet. Stay tuned to the site for more.
Another comic on Wednesday. To those in the US, hope you’re enjoying MLK day. To those outside, hope Monday isn’t sucking too hard.
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The System 416: To Don’t

Are you a list-maker? What always goes on your list? And maybe never gets done?
OH, and are you going to Intervention this weekend?
Here’s where to find me!
When I’m not at my table, I’ll be on the following panels / events:
FRIDAY, 2pm (Panels Room 1): Get off my lawn!
“How do I make a webcomic?” That’s easy and covered by the other panel, but what about “How Not to Make a Webcomic?” Everyday someone decides to make a web-comic and then makes the same mistakes every other failed comic has made before. This will be an in-your-face session where panelists will describe the most common mistakes they’ve made or seen others make that delayed progress on their webcomics career and the pitfalls to avoid.
SATURDAY, 6pm (Main Events Room): Super Art Fight!
The self-described “Greatest Live Art Competition in the KNOWN UNIVERSE” makes their Intervention debut. Equal parts Pictionary and pro-wrestling, Super Art Fight is an exhausting spectacle sure to blow your mind! Shield your eyes as artists clash on the creative canvas, and have their bouts fates chosen by the WHEEL OF DEATH, a random topic generator filled to the brim with suggestions from YOU, the fans!
SATURDAY, 10pm (Main Events Room): Super Art Fight Unleashed!
You’ve seen the show. You know what they’re capable of. Now what happens when we give them a live microphone and zero plans? Join the gang behind Super Art Fight as they discuss the history of SAF, where it’s heading, and honestly, probably whatever else comes to mind. No filter, no set topics. Shield your eyes, children; it’s gonna get ugly.
SUNDAY, 10am (Panels Room 2): Hear It Here First: Who Should You Be Reading Now So You Can Brag About It Later?
Who are the up-and-coming comics out there? Who will be the next break out star? Come discuss with our panelists the comics that will be everyone’s favorites this time next year–or who should be.