The System 782: The Worst Pun I’ve Written In A While

I wouldn’t blame you if you stopped reading my comics for forever.
Katsucon This Weekend
I’ll be at Katsucon this weekend in THE NEW ZELAND OF MARYLAND, National Harbor! I’ll have books, shirts, and prints. Come by for high fives! Also, if you haven’t seen Super Art Fight perform at Katsucon (we have a show Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and a Sunday podcast recording) then you haven’t seen Shakespeare the way it’s meant to be seen.
Magfest Next Weekend
The next weekend, in the same place, I’ll be doing the same thing. Only at Magfest, and with Super Art Fight shows as slightly different times. But come on by!
The System 769: Printing

The System 585: Plane

First the A/C, then scissors, now planes.
And this isn’t the first time we’ve seen the pilot. We saw him back in The System 395: Why Pilots Wear Aviators.
Oh, and the new shirt! Have you checked it out yet? And if there’s other shirts based on stuff in the comic you’d like, let me know. I’m looking to get into the shirting biz.
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The System 487: Gee

You’ll never look at type the same way again.
Last day to preorder Hipster Union shirts!
To be honest there’s only been a few orders so far. I’m still going to order them, but if I could get 4 more orders today I’d be happy. How happy? Happy enough to get you guys extra comics! If I get four more Hipster Union shirt orders today (Wednesday), I’ll make FIVE new comics next week. A new comic every day all week long next week! All you have to do is buy a shirt, or at least spread the word on The Facebooks and The Twitters. Just tell them:
LAST DAY to preorder the new Hipster Union shirts for only $15! Spread the word!
If you want to be one of the four, click this link here or the image below:
TV Devouring Commenced
I posted the other day looking for shows to watch, and the outpouring of replies was HUGE! I’m going to follow up on all that later today, but before I forget to say it, THANK YOU to everyone for getting back to me.
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The System 461: Pun Terminology

This comic brought to you by my parents, whose horrible senses of humor have led to this inevitable cycle.
By the way! We’re running out of the preorder time for the two newest shirts in the store! They are $5 off through this Friday, so act quickly and get those orders in! Click on either image below to view it in the store.
Impactful Comic by Systemic @Sleshy
A few days ago I received an email with this graphic in my DEPARTMENT OF ART faculty email:
Words could not describe my feelings on the matter. So instead of trying, I posted it on my Official Unofficial Twitter! This is where you loving Systemics come in, as long-time Systemic and all-around awesome dude Sleshy stepped up to the plate and knocked one out of the park!
If you get it, you’re in the right place. And thanks again, Systemic Sleshy! If you ever come up with something cool or even remix an old comic, send it my way! If it’s funny (and I’m not too swamped with emails) I’ll post it on the site.
Want to congratulate Sleshy? Ever received “Word art” this bad? Post your thoughts in the comments!
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The System 437: Sagan Overdose

November 9th would have been the 76th birthday of known turtle neck fanatic, TV personality and science-type thinker Carl Sagan. Be careful though, too much Sagan can be dangerous. Still, this video on its own does not exceed the recommended Sagan-dosage:
Makes you wonder what would counteract too much Sagan. So I’ll put this out there to you guys, what would counteract Carl Sagan? Is it like matter and anti-matter? Is there an anti-Sagan? A nega-Sagan? Or is it more like chocolate and vanilla, where it would be more of a Richard Feynman kinda thing? YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS!
The System 429: No Accounting

This one ranks up there with “no tit for tat” for me in the bad pun department.
UPDATE: You may have to refresh the page / feed to see the comic. Some uploading trouble caused a slight issue that was resolved after your reader may have loaded the post.
Also, any purchases of original prints / posters through the end of this month will have money donated to breast cancer research! Especially the last comic on breasts and typefaces. Just place any order from for any comic print and I’ll do the rest. At the end of the month I’ll post a tally of how it goes.
Sorry for just announcing this, I just had the idea and thought it might help.
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The System 412: Literary

Literary douchebags are going to literally hate me after this one.
Do you know any literary douchebags? What are they like? Should that square shouldered guy be the new international symbol for “douchebag”? Discuss in the comments.
SOME SYSTEMIC ACTIONS (Things you can do!)
I would really like to know what The Grammar Nazi’s costume looks like. If someone puts that together (or multiple people do) I’ll post the creme de la creme on the site. Just email them to me at, and I’ll send the best one a little present from (our online store.)
Still trying to get a SXSW panel! If you help vote for mine and leave a comment that would really help out. You have to register through their site first, but they don’t send you any emails unless you ask them to. If I see 20 comments on that page (there’s 18 now) I promised a piece of custom artwork here on the site. I’ll do it, too! Of course, more than 20 is better… Unfortunately voting is closed, but thanks to all who tried! I’ll be sure to post on the site when I hear something.
It’s the last day for the preorder sale of Venn F%*king Diagrams T-Shirts, so get your orders in now!
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The System 408: Bowser Testing

Let’s see here…
- Bad pun? Check.
- Web design reference? Check.
- Old school video game reference? Check.
Yeah, I think my work is done here.
But your work isn’t done! Some outstanding Systemic Actions need your help!
The Venn F%*king Diagrams shirt is up for sale. Lots of you were interested and haven’t preordered yet, consider this your best chance to do so. Don’t have the cash? I’d consider it a solid favor if you spread the word just the same.
Still trying to get that SXSW panel! If you could go to the site and vote for it, then leave a comment that would help a ton. The site is at 10 comments right now. If it gets to 20, I’ll do more custom art (like I did for the survey, see below).
Jami “Angry Zen Master” Noguchi is working on Puppy Cow, and needs your help milking the last 25% of the funding together. He even did a cute comic thingy with Puppy Cow (just follow that link).
Oh, and remember that survey you guys filled out? I lived up to my end of the bargain! Go check out the post to see some custom awesome artwork I did, and if you haven’t filled out the survey please do. It helps, and thanks to those of you who already did!