The System 509: The Sweet Spot

If you like this, we have coffee shirts! They’re cool:
How many cups of coffee does it take to get to your sweet spot? For that matter, how many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?
The System 457: To Scale

Welcome, Systemics to another fun-filled week of… fun here at The System. BIG THINGS are in store for the week, and I’m not just talking about the toothbrush shown here. So stay tuned!
Speaking of that giant toothbrush, I found out while researching this comic (yes, this comic took research) that there is a place online for ALL your giant novelty item needs. Need a giant hamburger? Giant toothbrush? GIANT WHISK? They gotcha covered. The best part? There’s videos. With a theme song. A-la “Will it Blend?” comes “Is it big?” (SPOILER ALERT: Yes.)
There are PLENTY more “Is It Big?” videos where that came from, if you dare. The song is “Big Time” by Peter Gabriel, which gets pretty stuck in your head. Be warned. Btw if someone wants to buy me the Giant Novelty Cup and Saucer, I will drink a cup of coffee out of it. Or hell, any of them. Who doesn’t need more giant novelty things in their life?
As far as the comic goes, this falls under the True Story tag. I have what is known as a “Wee Apartment” (under 300 sq. ft) and with a place that small, anything left out or foreign objects are automatically in the way of other things. It seems only fair that if something proportionally in the way in my tiny place should have an equivalent size taken up at her place in return, no? It’s the law of equivalent exchange! Or maybe I’ve been watching too much animé.
Ever leave things over at your girl/boyfriend’s? Thinking of bringing over a giant novelty item? Have Peter Gabriel stuck in your head? Share in the comments!