Rate It All!
I’m sure you probably noticed the “Review” widget now added to the sidebar. It’s a little widget produced by RateItAll.com which lets you do, well, exactly what it looks like you can do. We have a Systemic planted deep in the midst of RateItAll, and they asked me to be a part of the launch of this new widget. I was more than happy to oblige. NOTE: I get NO money for this.
So here is a call to all true Systemics. Use the widget on the right or go to the site here and review the comic. Be honest (especially if you love the comic) and let the world know what you think. As of the time I’m writing this, The System is listed as #7, up from #17 a few days ago. HELP ME GET IT TO #1.
So what’s in it for you? If you go write a review, then post the link to the review in the comments of this post, I’ll email you a completely unique, just-for-this-call-to-action piece of System desktop artwork. You will be the envy of all of your friends and enemies!
A litte info on the site: RateItAll.com is a cool review site for literally EVERYTHING. Your favorite restaurant, a book, a website, your new shirt, whatever. It’s a great concept and I’m hoping it catches on. Why deal with different rating sites for every piece of media, and not have it all in one place, right?
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Wonderful World of Webcomics: A New Podcast (With Me)
I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of listening to me talk. I also can’t get enough of talking shop about webcomics. It is with these two statements in mind that I bring forth this new, semi-weekly podcast. The Wonderful World of Webcomics is a podcast I host with a rotating cast of fellow webcomic artists, where we discuss what it’s like trying to make it as artists.
I know what you’re thinking. There’s already a show like that, and it’s called Webcomics Weekly. I know and love those guys, and it is not my intention to reproduce what they are already producing. Instead, this show tries to offer a different perspective. That of artists who are not experts, but instead up and comers trying to “make it” as artists or at least trying to improve our craft. So join us and listen to these hour-long podcasts where we share ideas, comisserate, experiment and otherwise try and figure out what we’re doing. Oh, and it’s funny. We’re funny people. I swear.
As of right now two podcasts have been posted, and another two are pre-recorded and will go up soon. The two up cover collaboration (like writer / artist teams) and a beginner’s guide to conventions. Download one or two, or better yet subscribe to the feed and let iTunes do the rest. You can check out the site here.
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Girls With Slingshots
I’ve mentioned before my love of Danielle Corsetto’s Girls with Slingshots. It’s a great comic I’ve been following a long time. Over on The Twitters, she asked for a little brainstorming help with some spy code names. I was happy to oblige, and my ideas made the cut. She was even kind enough to give me a shout out on the site! Classy one, that Danielle.
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I Smell a Book Jacket Quote
DB over at Bar Geeks was nice enough to write a review about The System this past Wednesday. Not only that, he even wrote a complimentary review! Who knew, right? My favorite line:
Rosscott, it’s as if you read my darkest thoughts, dreams, desires and Twitter posts! It’s as though you are Dilbert without the suck and with more references to kerning!
It’s what I do. I sneak into your dreams, make sure everything is on-brand, and then leave.
Anyway, check out that post. It’s honestly a good read, and the blog itself is good outside of telling me how cool I am. Link.
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Podcast Posted!
I was just interviewed on Villainy, Inc. It’s a great podcast, and somehow they thought it was a good idea to spend an hour interviewing me. So if you want to hear about my love affairs (with fonts), why I started The System, my solution to war, or hear me do my “old timey radio” voice, you should listen in. Oh, and I think I talk about grappling hook machine gun flame throwers. It’s an hour, and the interview is the whole time after a brief intro. You can check out their site here or go straight to the podcast in iTunes.
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I’ve Been Critiqued
There is a new blog starting up called The Webcomic Critique. The guy has a pretty interesting scoring system based on artwork, storyline, funniness, and content. Here he is talking about System 177:
Is it bad that I imagined a southern accent when I read the last line? I did. The System does an amazing job of keeping a semi-storyline while keeping all of its pages fresh. What this comic lacks in overall amazing color graphics it makes up for in funny jokes. This one is a perfect example of that relationship, where the joke is really funny but the same images are used for almost all the panels. And – really – repair shops always find something extra to tack onto your bill. Jerks.
So far, I’m in the lead beating out Hitmen for Destiny, Thinkin Lincoln, and Cyanide and Happiness. Woo! Link.
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It’s an Interview (with Me)
Have you ever heard of a blog called The Comics Closet? Well, you should. They write about interesting comics stuff and, on occasion, interview people. Who, you ask? Apparently me.
Still less than a year old The System is a glorious little webcomic that is gaining a lot of attention. A gag-based strip told entirely in the form of simple icons (like the little man on the bathroom door or the crosswalk sign), it may, as it grows, prove to be one of the titans of minimalist webcomics. My contact with Rosscott, Inc. was kind enough to answer a few questions for me.
So if you want to read about how this comic started, why it started, some of my favorite comics, what exactly “CONTRA JUICE” is, and a little bit more about the comic and me, check out the article.
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Yay! Shirts!
Shirts are now officially available for preorder on the store page! This is the first ever official Rosscott, Inc. / The System run of shirts, so help me make it count. Currently for sale are both the Jimmy the Murderdog and HELL Vetica shirts. They are $18.00 total right now ($15 + $3 shipping that’s included) so snatch them up while you can! Soon they’ll go from preorder to just plain order, and the price will go up a bit (plus, I won’t like you as much).
Since this is the first-ever Rosscott, Inc. store, let me know if you run into any trouble (systemcomic@gmail.com).
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Yes, I’m finally going to have shirts! The final designs will be posted (for preorder) later this week. Meanwhile, here’s a glimpse at the almost final designs. Start saving that allowance! Click on the pic above to see them bigger.
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Rosscott in the Wild: Katsucon Edition
You know what? I went to Katsucon a few weeks ago and haven’t posted a thing about it! For that, I apologize.
First off, welcome! Welcome to all of you new people who came across me and my stuff during Katsu, and decided to check out the site. Read comics. Go make funny read good*.
*Line ©Marty Fn Day
As for the con, many many thanks must go out. Thanks most of all to Onezumi and Harknell who put things together for webcomic artists. You are amazing. Thanks very much to everyone else, especially the friends I always rely on at cons (Nick, Marty, Dern, Brian, Garth, Brian, James, Nelly, Jamie, Jami, Rob, Chris, Barb, and the other 5 I’m sure I’m missing because I’m typing this so fast).
I was on some awesome panels with my friends as well as the Halfpixel guys (hi Brad, Kris, and Dave) and will post a link to that shortly. I also got to participate as the commentator for Super Art Fight, which is always a blast. I ate the most horriblest amazingtastic sandwich ever. Details here. Fan writeup here (mentions the sandwich).
Oh, speaking of seeing me in person, someone found me! I was spotted meeting up with all the other local Webcomic peeeps. The guy did a writeup about it, and I’ll leave the wording to him.
The reception was positive; Ross appeared quite thrilled to meet a reader in real life. We talked a bit about webcomics and got a photo, but then I had to leave as it was time to pick up my wife.
It’s true. I was totally thrilled to meet a reader in real life. As more conventions come up (and they will be posted on the site) I look forward to meeting more of you! Be warned: WEBCARTOONISTS MAY BE MORE HANDSOME THAN THEY APPEAR. Link to the writeup.