The System 777: Star Wars Opinions

So as written above, I saw Star Wars, and I enjoyed it. Quite a lot. No, it’s not perfect. It turns out a movie can’t be everything to everyone. No movie can hold up to the mythical status of the Star Wars franchise. What the movie actually is, is a new hope. Hope for more fun movies with fun characters, which is really what Star Wars was meant to be about.
Meanwhile, if I see one more think piece about why the prequels were more interesting, why the new one is flawed, why Rey is secretly a Mary Sue, why Finn is secretly the star, etc. I’m going to just sign off the Internet once and for all. Or for like 20 minutes.
If you want to talk about Star Wars in the comments below, I welcome it. Fight over it all you want, just keep it civil. And while I only lightly moderate these comments, watch out for spoilers. Because I don’t know what people will post.
As a site note, I work a lot these days, but I think about making new comics all the time. I don’t dare commit to a schedule that I’m just going to let you all down on, but I will say that I keep thinking about comics, miss making them, and hope to make more soon. Love you all, thanks for reading. Happy holidays and happy new year.
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The System 603: When I Lose Something…

This was my morning. I’m still recovering.
Some things from my Tumblr and an art show…
I’ve been making some posters lately and putting them up on my Tumblr ( Some just for fun, some things I’m working on, and some that are for actual projects.
This first one (above) is for the Death Star Art Show, which is next weekend in Baltimore. Here’s some details:
On Friday, October 7th 2011, Baltimore area artist will pay tribute to the horror genre and a galaxy far, far away. Whether it is a mash up of your favorite movie monster playing an intergalactic bounty hunter or a direct reference between Dracula and the Sith, we got you covered. Death Star Art Show is proudly presented by the mega powers of Charmed Life Gallery and Super Art Fight.
You should click here to see the official Tumblr site for more details and more of the amazing artwork that will be at the show.
As for the “28 Parsecs Later” piece, the response was pretty great, so I’m going to make it available from the HilariAwesome store after the art show.
Also on Tumblr lately you can see my take on Wilford Brimley as Cthulu, a motivational typographic poster, and something about poop. I can’t garuantee a schedule, but I’m having a lot of fun doing these posters so there will probably be more soon. Every time I do one all I can think is “I went to school for this.” Then I laugh and cry a bit.
The System 516: Contents May Be

In case you need the “altered” version for anything, here’s about what it might look like. I was thinking of making stickers, who wants it?
Oh! And THIS WEEKEND! Come see me at Otakon in Baltimore, MD! WILL YOU COME SAY HI?
Star Wars ABC!
Via Rachel “Bomb Digs” Mercer. I don’t really have to say anything else. LINK TO THE AWESOME »
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They blow up the death star. I said that, right?
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.