System in the Wild: Whispering Crotch Edition
Greetings again, Systemics, to another edition of System in the Wild! You send in System-style images spotted wherever to me through Twitter (@rosscott / @systemcomic) or email (systemcomic at gmail) and I post them here on the site!
First up (above) comes from Systemic Larom. We were debating whether this is a “no fellatio” sign or a more general “stay away from my crotch” sign. I vote for the latter. Somehow I made a connection to the world’s oddest game of ‘telephone’… LINK.
This next one I must unfortunately say goes unnamed, as I forgot to write down who sent it in. It was through Twitter, I remember that much. Beyond that I have no idea. Whomever it was, be sure to click the link to see WHY THE GUY IS ON FIRE. Worth it, trust me. Any IT guys out there? You’ll love this. LINK.
Finally, this last one is from ME. This comes from the A Day in the Life Conference to be held in Baltimore, MD at MICA. I’ve been asked to speak along side such people as Ellen Lupton and Other People I Don’t Know. I’ll be speaking more about my day job as a web designer than the comic things, but it’s all on the table. If you’re in the Baltimore area and like design geeking out, come join in. The magic day is April 24th. LINK.
As always, if you have things to send in that match in style to The System or are just awesome, send them over to systemcomic at gmail, or any of that other stuff I mentioned above. Until next time, Systemics!
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System in the Wild: Cycling History Edition
Systemic Boxhill sent in this one. As she says, “System-in-the-Wild meets the Birth of the System? Cycling-centric, too”. It covers the history of “Helvetica Man”, and even some other examples (though this site has been left seemingly absent). LINK.
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System in the Wild: Beaten Silly Edition
Another edition of System in the Wild, as the submissions just keep on coming! I haven’t seen this many submissions since the last leather and restraint convention I attended. First up is Systemic Kim, who sends in an artist with a strikingly similar subject matter. Mainly, international symbol sign characters as her muse. Some would get offended, I think we weren’t the first and certainly won’t be the last. An excerpt about the artist:
using pictograms familiar to us all from everyday life – such as road signs, toilet markers
and math symbols pippo lionni uses animation to tell a story or make a comment,
entirely without recourse to words.
All of that, and more, via DesignBoom. Check it out! LINK.
Here’s another from Systemic Kim. This one on using these symbols to create a universal language. Ironic, since many languages are originally based on pictograms in the first place. Kinda brings it all back around. Check out the site to read the artist, Xu Bing’s mission statement and an interview. LINK. Oh, and that interview they mention? I think this is it.
Next up is Systemic Rachel. She links to a story from the UK about new signs confusing the piss out of people. What exactly is an Ambulant Urinal? Or for that matter a Unisex Ambulant facility? Find out! LINK.
Well that’s about it for today! Be sure to send in cool crap you find to systemcomic at the gmail, and I’ll post it here on the site! In the meantime, stay awesome, Systemics.
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System in the Wild: 10 Commandments or Baby? Edition
Time for another round of System in the Wild where you send in cool / interesting / funny interpretations of the characters you see in The System, and I post them on the site for everyone else to gawk at! First up is Systemic Holly, who saw this on a blog elsewhere. Don’t ask me to read it ‘cuz I can’t, but I think the baby looks like the 10 commandments in History of the World Part 1. Or, y’know, the Torah. Thanks, Hol! LINK.
Next up is from Systemic Yoni. It’s signage from the 80’s in case of a nuclear attack, which seemed looming enough at the time to get a nice little sign made and put in a cute little frame. Be sure to check out #8, it’s Yoni’s favorite. LINK.
Finally we conclude with Systemic Aaron. He saw this and took the pic while waiting for his girlfriend. Looks like this “wet floor” sign guy did a little more drinking than slipping. Lawsuit waiting to happen or open bar? YOU DECIDE. LINK.
There you have it! We’re always looking for more System in the Wild posts to put up on the site, so send them our way at systemcomic at gmail, and I’ll post them here on the site!
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System in the Wild: Street Art Edition
Systemic Pahnl sends in some of his own street art from his website. It’s cool stuff! The man also ran a comic for quite some time, and that means if you’re waiting for more posts on this site, maybe you should check out his. LINK TO ART. LINK TO COMIC.
Next up is from Systemic Josh, who sends this one all the way from Japan! He writes:
Its directions on how to use a western-style toilet and has been stuck on the wall of this abandoned house that I stay in on one of the islands since probably the 1950s. It is located above one of the scariest toilets I’ve ever used. Its a second floor drop toilet. Basically a western looking throne with a hole in the bottom over top of a 2 story pipe.
A bit of a translation
Title: “On the use of a seated porcelain toilet”Picture on left is “for when men having a small bowel movement / Please use this by lifting the lid and seat and facing the porcelain while it comes out” picture on Right is “for when you need to have a large bowel movement, or when women have a small bowel movement / Please use by lifting only the lid, face backwards and politely sit down on the seat.”
Next up is Systemic Philip. He writes:
Seen in a local restaurant in Dallas leading to the porch for your next tripping compendium.
Are those shoes at the end of the arms for some reason or is it some fingers-together lowered jazz hands pose trying to add some style to the trip?
Well, anyone want to help Philip out with an answer? LINK.
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System in the Wild: Crashing Edition
Welcome to System in the Wild, where people send me pictures of System characters out in the wild, and I post them! First up is Systemic Jesse, who sent in this page from OddlySpecific. There’s 3 or 4 on that page, worth a look. If nothing else, click through to see how this image is about twice as bad as you think. LINK.
Next up is one from Systemic Martin. It’s a safety ladder thingy? Or maybe he’s escaping a bad date. YOU DECIDE! LINK. JUST THE IMAGE.
Finally, one from Systemic ColdfireSerge whom I had the pleasure of meeting back at Connecticon this past summer. This one has some real intellectual interest. It’s a post all about the different types of “disabled” graphics and what they imply (as you can see above, some are more active and imply a more able-bodied person and are not the passive “sit around” symbols you may be used to). If you only click on one of these, this one is worth the time. LINK.
There you have it, another set of System in the Wild posts! If you find any like these (funny, cool, or otherwise) send them my way, and I’ll post them on the site. Just email them to systemcomic at the gmail dot com, or catch me on Twitter. Again, thanks to all who send these in!
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System in the Wild: Collider Edition
It looks like even the Hadron Collider has caught System fever! Thanks to Systemic Geoff for the pic. LINK.
Systemic Cledwyn sends along this one. It’s from the cover of Alphabet City’s Trash. Thanks, Cled! LINK.
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System in the Wild: Skateboarding Poop Edition
Systemic Scottie C sends in this one, a tattoo describing how skateboarding poop is a crime. Yes. I wrote that correctly.
Before you get all freaked out, it’s a tattoo. Also, I do not think skateboarding on poop is actually a crime, but I haven’t checked. You might want to. Actually you probably don’t. I would Google search “skateboarding poop crime” for you, but I fear what Google would return. Anyway, enjoy?
Enjoy I have, I hope you do too. But who got the picture? LINK.
I have this picture slotted, and I’m pretty sure it must’ve been sent in my Systemic Slonie. It’s a t-shirt that I don’t sell (as opposed to these) but it still is pretty cool. But Impact? Really? Go with a Helvetica or an Interstate. Keep it classy. LINK.
Finally this one comes from the blog There I Fixed It, a blog where people kludge together scrappy solutions to everyday problems. More often than not it is cutting a hole in a wall to make room for a door handle, but sometimes it gets a little more creative, and this is one example. LINK.
Remember, if you find anything like this, send it over to systemcomic at gmail and I’ll post it here, and you’ll show that you are a true Systemic!
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System in the Wild: Fun Game Edition
Systemic Michael sent in this System in the Wild, the Evacu-Trac system of getting stiff people down stairs in a way that looks like oh so much fun. LINK.
Next up is Systemic Hjatli all the way from Iceland! In addition to having some cool photography and such on his site (and from being awesome), he has sent us the wonderful scan above:
I just purchased a Lenovo desktop computer for a colleague and got a great inscription on a tiny bag that came with the computer.
Thanks for being a big fan, thanks for being from Iceland, and thanks for having such an awesome name! I just wish I knew how to pronounce it.
And finally, one from the archives. There have been a few things in the last year that have fallen by the wayside as I try to get this site and its contents in order, and some of those have been System in the Wild submissions. Here’s one from Systemic Kim that she sent me back in August (shit, it’s December!?) that I never let see the light of day. This one is worth it, click and see what this has to do with riding BART (yes I’m looking at you Bay Area peeps). LINK.
If you sent me one a while back and I never posted it, I’m sorry. Send it again, I am determined to get on top of this. If you haven’t sent me one, you should! I’m going to stay on top of this! Send it over to systemcomic at gmail and I’ll post it on the site, with a web address if you have one.
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System in the Wild: Bag Head Edition
Thanks to @pmbq (possible Systemic?) who took this pic, but also to Systemic Dern who sent it my way. It’s hard to say if the message is “this is awesome” or “this is bad for you”. Someone ask David Carradine (too soon?) LINK.
Thanks to Systemic Marty Fn Day for sending in this one. Possible restroom for Kangaroos? LINK.
Thanks to Systemic Cledwyn on this one. Sorry for the sizing, it’s the biggest I could find without recreating the whole thing. This is from a list of economic theories explained with “stick figures”. Stick figures? Really, guys? I expect more from a site called Chart Porn. LINK.
That’s it for now! More next week, but keep them coming! Send any cool things to systemcomic at the gmails!