Hey, remember when I used to draw comics?
Yeah, I did that for a while. Took too long.
Well, I never really gave it up. Between the rest of life, it just didn’t seem like i could keep up any sort of schedule with Not Quite Wrong or The Rockets (both previous projects). Still, I want to see things through and get back to them in my spare time. I don’t want to forget how to draw. That in mind, I updated The Rockets today with page #34. Eventually I’ll move the archive over to this here site somehow, but for now I’m just linking through.
Still, I believe in Rockets as a project, but know I can’t keep up any sort of timing. So for now, go check it out and read up. Let me know what you think. Also, know that I’m an attention whore, so if people other than my mom (yes she really does post here) tell me to chop to it, I might have to.
Oh, and I know the site sucks. Deal with it.