An adorable child knows more fonts than you.
Helvetica has never sounded so good.
Thanks to @lionthetiger for sharing it with me on Twitter!
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Watch James Victore Be Delightful
Check out this video of awesome designer-guy James Victore going around New York and talkng about all the typography he sees. It’s a pretty great look at typography that makes you just appreciate the detail of everything around you, which is what I always loved about design. Victore’s approach is to appreciate what’s out there without devolving into design snobbery about how every small business should have hired a designer, which I also appreciate.
Also, for some reason, he’s in a WWII/Korea-era army jeep, so I kept thinking him and Hawkeye Pierce were gonna have martinis and make font puns. I’d watch the hell out of that show.
Thanks to @MariesaKDale for putting this on my radar!
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Super Art Fight at Anime Expo
That show I talked about from last weekend? Rounds 2 and 3 are now online, thanks to a fan in attendance! Check out why Noelle Stevenson is one of the best art fighters I’ve ever seen.
This is a convention show from Anime Expo. For the full experience, you want to come to one of our “club shows” we do in Baltimore and DC (and hopefully soon other cities).
So WATCH THIS. Kill an hour. Post below who’s funnier, Ross or Marty.
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The System 733: Commits

Git commits are like gremlins. Don’t feed them after midnight.
And now that I’ve painstakingly made this comic, yes. I then did see “that one xkcd“.
Thank you, Anime Expo!
If you came by the table this past weekend at Anime Expo, thank you. Flying across the country and meeting people who have read the comic is what inspired me, at midnight on a Monday night full of jet lag, to make a new comic.
Thank you for coming by the table and saying hello, whether you bought something or not. Thank you for coming to our Super Art Fight show. Thank you to those of you who come by— never mind, I made a video to say the things:
Purchase merchandise for morale to improve.
Use the coupon code “buttstuff” through Monday, 7/14 for a 10% discount on all things. Check out the new online store.
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Street Typography
I’m sure there’s a few marks on the road (hence all the broom handle moving) but the absolute nonchalance and confidence these guys have to just DRAW HUGE LETTERS is pretty great. With one hand literally behind his back!
Street typography from Tom Williams on Vimeo.
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The Jewish Hunger Games
Rossmom sent me this, and I found it too spot on not to post. Some quick notes:
- If you don’t know what it means, you should look up “shtupping“.
- They nail the camera work. Nice touch.
- Who puts matzah out at the end of Yom Kippur? Nobody. That’s who.
- Everything bagels. THIS IS ACCURATE.
The System 672: Salmon

Let me be clear here, guys. You should bike. You should bike on the road. But you should bike with traffic. Just because you’re a cyclist doesn’t mean you don’t have to obey laws. Well, at least that one because it’s really irritating and dangerous.
Kickstarter: The Final Kick
This is the last 3 days of the Kickstarter! If you want a first edition copy of The System Book 1, support the Kickstarter before Friday at 5pm. My mom wants you to:
Back the project and find out more here »
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The System 657: Subtle Bomb

First there was FACTBOMB, now “subtle bomb”. Here it is, demonstrated by myself and my friend Meredith.
No, I wasn’t falling over at the end. Just sitting down. Feel free to send in your own examples…
Jet Bicycle!
Systemic J. Gough sent word of this scary jet-powered death bike, a great followup to the Tallest and Fastest Bike Stories I posted back in April. Also this comic about speeding.
Watching him ride on a flat tire is scary, I almost died that way once (though there were no jets involved).
Craft Beer: A Hopumentary
In case you’re asking yourself “hey, this isn’t the normal stuff Rosscott posts about”, I’m featuring this for three reasons:
- Beer.
- It features my good buddy Nate Oyler, who built (He’s the one who describes how stupid simple it is to brew beer.)
- Beeeeeer.
More about the doc can be found here.