System Guest Comic Week: Dear Pirate

Today’s guest comic is brought to you by Dern from over at Dernworks. While responsible for a few projects, I first met Dern through his work on Dear Pirate. It’s an advice column you can write in to a pirate. Lately, he’s been playing more and more with clay, and coming through that has led to what you see above. Even though it looks a bit like a creative turd, that which you see is an expert sculpting by Dern himself. Genius.
Remember, guest comics will be posted every day this week (November 17 – 21st) in preparation for the big event next week: The System Comic #100. You guys can expect the same inane blog posts in the meantime, and start getting ready for a few big surprises around here.
- Friday: Lee Cherolis
- Monday: Caf-Fiends
- Tuesday: Amu’s World
- Wednesday: Dear Pirate