Super Art Fight: Yesterday and Tomorrow!
Sometimes I think I’m last to the party. But sometimes that means I get to link to everyone else’s parties! Angry Zen Master, BaltiNerd, Bree “Sex Drugs and June Cleaver” Rubin and Super Art Fight have already posted, we Super Art Fighters had a show last night.
We had the opportunity—nay, PRIVELAGE to have a show with last night at the Metro Gallery with The Protomen, an ensemble rock opera about Mega Man. We did a live mural during the show via uStream that had Super Art Fighters and friends Slaski, Impink and Lar in attendance that was pretty great. It’s one of those great things that makes you look down at the life you’re living and make you realize you must be doing something right. Thanks to all.
Now, we’re gearing up for this weekend! Along with Nick and Marty, Angry Zen Master, Mike Bracco, Bree, Impink, Dern and Joe “Digital Pimp” Dunn we will be tabling and having multiple shows at GameX in Philly! All the details for Super Art Fight can be found here, but here’s the quick show schedule:
9:30AM – 10:10AM :: Super Art Fight
11:10AM – 11:50AM :: Super Art Fight
10:00AM – 10:40AM :: Super Art Fight
11:40AM – 12:20PM :: Super Art Fight
If you’re coming to the show, don’t expect any The System merch. It’s all online on, but I’m not bringing it to the show. This weekend is about Super Art Fight only, which means boards, shirts and sketch cards will be for sale. Still, come on by and see some great shows, play some video games, and otherwise have fun!
Oh, and for more pics of last night’s show, check out the SuperArtFight TwitPics or Baltinerd’s Picasa collection.