Hello With System (Guest comic by Dern)

I was in a bike accident on Sunday and beyond any physical damage (stitches in my chin and a severe blow to my pride) I’m playing catch-up all this week, so you guys get some guest comics!
Dern is a jackass. Yes, he did a guest comic for me. Here was the email I got from him:
TO: Rosscott
SUBJECT: This came to me in a dream
ATTACHED: Comicweirdest part about the dream? It was a system comic.
So why, when I’m being provided a guest comic by one of my closer comics friends, do I call him a jackass? He laid out the whole thing in Arial. He knows how I feel about Arial, just like how I know how he feels about people never returning pens. And even so, he lays out the whole thing in Arial. Of course, I couldn’t just let that go. So, in my pain-killered, drug-addled, injured stupor I re-set the type in the appropriate Helvetica, complete with some art touch-ups (this is why you’re seeing something nice above, and a nice straight line across the lower case “t” just like the lord intended).
Dern is the writer behind Hello With Cheese, if you can call that writing. Strange thoughts appear in his head, and he sends them to his slave artist who tries to make sense of it all and then turns it into a comic. I admit, half the joy of this comic is thinking about how that went down sometimes, as most of the ideas range from groans to jokes I’m ashamed at laughing at. Still, at least it’s not a pirate advice column. If you’re looking for a place to dive in, I had a comic come to me in a dream one time, and he made it into a comic. Hell, twice. Check out a HWC comic I helped write HERE.