The System 608: Throwing Money

Wow, so much to talk about!
The System at SPX This Weekend
Yep, you can find The System at SPX, the Small Press Expo, all this weekend! Unfortunately, I won’t be there. WHAT you say? What kind of RIDDLE IS THIS!? The answer is simple. I booked a table at SPX but then found out I had a wedding to attend. What’s a comic artist to do when he doesn’t have anyone else to fill in for him? What anyone would do. Ask the most notorious commenter on the site to fill in: ROSSMOM.
If you are attending SPX, be sure to stop by Table G4 where my parents will be happy to sell you prints, shirts, and comics from the store. They’ll also happily tell you embarassing stories about the time my brother pooped in the corner and tried to blame it on me. It’s a real win-win.
Also at SPX on Saturday night is SUPER ART FIGHT. More info here!
Site News: Back Button Fixed
That’s right! After MANY emails and tweets, the great developers from up on high have spoken: A working “previous comic” button from the homepage! You can now use it at your whims. Next up is fixing the size of images in the RSS feed, which will happen soon.
Why the lack of updates?
Finally, a quick note about the updates. I was hoping to put together a heartfelt and insightful post about what’s been going on over here at The System, and I still plan to, but for now the quick answer is this. I’m starting a new design firm and have been busy with some tough decisions about grad school. I’ll expand from there later.
Have a great weekend, all!