The System 761: Resolutions

I’d started making a comic listing my resolutions:
- Read more
- Eat better,
- Exercise,
- Travel somewhere new,
- Draw more,
- Have more fun,
- Answer some big questions,
- And generally have a better year than 2014.
But there wasn’t really a punchline there (not that having a punchline hasn’t stopped me before). But this worked a little better, and let’s face it. it’s all about doing more or less of something anyway.
Btw, if you’re considering any resolutions, a few thoughts:
- Set SMART goals.
- Don’t wait to know everything to start.
- Don’t get discouraged after you drop off when things get busy. The important thing is to jump back on when you can. Setbacks are gonna happen, that doesn’t mean you should give up.
- Tell your friends you’re doing it. They’ll keep you honest.
- Fuckin’ do it.
How about you?