The System 592: Intercestuous

Thanks to my friend Kerry, who was complaining about sites being “in beta” to me. Truth is, “beta” used to mean something. Nowadays it just means “don’t judge me based on this thing you’re seeing it’s going to get better I promise”, which is something that I pretty much wish I could say all the time.
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The System 291: Google Wave

BELITISM: The feeling of being better than those around you, based on your inclusion in a “beta test”.
Seriously, I was thinking Google Wave would change my world. Since installing it and playing with it for 15 minutes, I have barely touched it. With nobody on it, I can’t say I’m that interested. People don’t use it “correctly” (and by that I mean “to its advantages”) and it is another place I have to keep track of. Aren’t Twitter, Multiple Email accounts, my website and my RSS feed enough? I’m not adding to that list.
UPDATE: Bree “Sex Drugs and June Cleaver” Rubin has decided to a comic on Google Wave as well, and it includes me! And buckets, tea parties, and bears. Check it out.
And of course, if you like today’s comic (or any of the other stuff I claim to sell) check out Hilariawesome, the new online store. Help support the comic you put up with!