The System 805: Decorating

Be sure you buy the whole set of Eat, Love, Poop when you’re next shopping. I’m sure this will be in the sequel to Eat, Pray, Love aka Eat, Pray, Poop which really changes the meaning of why you’re praying and what it may have to do with the eating.
Thank you to my wonderful girlfriend Laura, who has great taste in home decor and also in my sense of humor. Make of that what you will.
The System 759: No Picnic

So this post was made almost a week ago. Unfortunately, my web host switched servers and it was lost for days to everyone but me. Luckily, we’ve finally gotten it fixed.
So, now we can actually get back on track. With comics and stuff. So here you go!
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The System 617: Thanksgiving Ifs

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who give a crap about it. Happy belated/early Thanksgiving to the other countries that celebrate it at different times of year. Happy Thursday tomorrow to everyone else.
Any big plans other than “BUY EVERYTHING ON FRIDAY”?
Pie and Turkey courtesy The Noun Project.