The System 499: The Zombie Apocalypse and You

I was walking around London, seeing all the bicycle commuters go by (way to go, UK cyclists!) when this thought occurred to me. Bikes would be really handy for the zombie apocalypse. In movies you always see people with cars that run out of gas or won’t start, or on foot. Bicycles would be a great compromise! You could dodge around all those cars that get left in the road, the trash cans and boxes that wind up in every scene. You’d be quiet (as long as you avoided the bike bell) and with relatively little maintenance. Sure, there’s the thought of the occasional flat or your chain coming loose, but then you wouldn’t be that worse off than being on foot. The bike could even make for a makeshift weapon to give you some distance from a few brain-guzzlers that won’t leave you alone. If not, the U-lock definitely could crack some heads.
Which led me to my next thought: bike messengers would survive the zombie apocalypse. They’re fast, well organized and let’s face it, look like they’ve already survived the apocalypse. I’d love to see a movie about a few bike messengers working to make their way out of the city, all talking on their walkie talkies and using poster tubes to knock some heads. The ones on fixed gear bikes would be the first to go, zombies walk up hills and don’t care if you can “hover” at a red light.
Oh, and I must say! I did a quick bit of research, and I’m not the only one to think of this idea: