Move over Scott Pilgrim! Here comes The Room: The Video Game!
It’s an 8-bit game based on the cult midnight movie so-bad-its-good The Room. It’s a great movie in itself (well, in the same way Birdemic is a great movie) but the game is what gets me. It’s thorough. They have all the scenes broken down into a really fun little game, with Final Fantasy style dialogue and fighting, and even an 8-bit chiptune-style soundtrack. The real joy of it is the places the writers got snazzy with the things that were off screen. Be sure to explore what’s on the next block, what’s inside Denny’s room, and talk to all the people on the street. I got pretty far into it but had to give up. As my friend Cledwyn had to say, I got fed up with this wurld.
You can play the game here »
Here’s a Wired article on it where it Systemic Cledwyn found it »
If you’re looking for the comic, it’ll be up around 1pm EST-ish.