System in the Wild: Farm Equipment Edition
You send in System-like images you find in the wild, I post them. Send them to systemcomic at gmail.
From Systemic Steve Marschall who writes:
There was an amazing array of odd people images from the farm equipment display [at the Maryland Montgomery County Fair]. Who knew it was so dangerous.
My favorite is Hay Bail. It means don’t get run over by a huge hay bail when it is let out of the back of the collector.Others are:– Twister and Twister 2 – don’t get tangled in an exposed rapidly spinning axle– Fingers – Keep fingers out of chains– Falling – Don’t stand on the back of the vehicle when it starts moving– Flying Rocks – Don’t get hit by rocks flying out form the industrial lawn mower– Kids Driving – Don’t let kids under 16 drive– Lawn Mower – Don’t put fingers or foot into spinning blade– Opening Door – Don’t get hit by rising opening door– Vehicle – don’t flip vehicle over
Here they are! Not quite for the squeamish, but eh. They’re just stick figures.