Quick Quomic Quorner
This dude is all over “the twitters” and I think that led me to his site. It’s a great little comic with unique artwork and a fun story. Go read it. (Btw, I said I would post about this like 2 months ago. Sorry!) Link.
My friend Garth Graham, webtoonist behind Comedity, started a new series a few months back. This is funny, because many of his fans COMPLETELY MISSED THIS and haven’t followed suit. Hah. Anyway, Finders Keepers takes everything Garth learned on Comedity (like how to draw awwww shit I said it) and applies it beautifully to a great new story (yeah he learned to write too awwwwww shit). So, go read it. Link.
Back at SPX last year, I met a dude named Perry. He recently started a new comic called Tales of Tamarind, and it’s shaping up to be pretty great. I really dig the art style. Also, he’s another local DC area webtoonist, joining such greats as, well, me. (And Chris and Barb, Chris, Rob and Jami, etc.) Join in at the beginning, he’s about 10 strips in and updating 2x a week. Link.
Have you heard of a little webcomic called Alien Loves Predator? I have. In fact, I’m a big fan. Apparently the feeling is mutual, because the other day Bernie posted a link over to The System, for which I’m very grateful.
Big hOLLAAA to Rosscott who does a super-rad comic called The System. I dig the ones about biking the best cuz I TOTALLY used to ride a bike a lot.
Go check out his comic, won’t you? Oh, and he’s got a new one that doesn’t star action figures as well. Check that out too.
Btw, while we’re on the subject, Chris Flick (of Capes n Babes) is also responsible for a little project called CMX Suite. Tech / Programmer humor that is damn funny. This one really caught me. Link.
Got anything you think I’d be interested in or want to see covered? Email me. I love new crap. Systemcomic at gmail dot com.