The System 411: F%*king Batman

If the Clock King can count as a villain, why not the Grammar Nazi? And for that matter, this isn’t far off from every criminal calling him “The G-ddamn Batman”.
This comic actually has an interesting background. I was making pins for a con and asked Kev of Caf-Fiends (who just got engaged to his awesome cohort in comics, Blondie) what I should put on pins. “F%*king Batman” he replied. I made the pins and they’ve been great sellers, and have led to some interesting conversations on Batman’s love life and the ambiguous grammar of the phrase.
Btw before anyone asks, not sure I can put that on a shirt even if I wanted to. I mean, it’s Batman. I don’t own Batman. But I will sell you prints of this comic and shirts galore from my online store,