The System 793: Plain Expert

Yeah, I don’t know anything about planes. But I did give this answer one time.
The System 771: New

The System 659: Rising Attitudes

I’m at Anime Expo this weekend, probably tweeting about it from @Rosscott and @SystemComic. If you’re in the LA area, come see our Super Art Fight shows. The info is all in the description under comic 658.
Oh, and it’s going to be the fifth anniversary of The System as of next week, with hopefully a carefully timed Kickstarter launch! Stay tuned.
See you on Monday!
The System 585: Plane

First the A/C, then scissors, now planes.
And this isn’t the first time we’ve seen the pilot. We saw him back in The System 395: Why Pilots Wear Aviators.
Oh, and the new shirt! Have you checked it out yet? And if there’s other shirts based on stuff in the comic you’d like, let me know. I’m looking to get into the shirting biz.