The System 442: Schrödinger’s Dog

Howdy, Systemics! Have a good Thanksgiving?
First of all, an apology for the lack of comics last week. Due to a mixture of over the counter medicine, important real-life goings on, and some behind the scenes work on the online store (more on that in a second) I missed both the Wednesday and Friday updates of the comic. My sincerest apologies to you fans who were looking for something to help get you through the day and found the website lacking. Hopefully this won’t happen again or any time soon.
Some Notes on the Store
There have been lots of goings-on over at the store, the online marketplace where I sell prints, posters and shirts to help promote The System, try and make a little money, and even raise funds to help kick cancer’s ass. Those of you who have ordered from the store have been absurdly patient with my complete lack of any ability to keep a store running well and I know that some shipments have taken longer to get sent than they should.
The good news is all that is about to change, as I’m handing over the reigns of store management to The System’s own Rossmom. That’s right, my own mother is joining in the family business and will be starting to take over online shipments in the coming weeks. Soon it will be her shipping things, keeping inventory, and kindly fielding all of your questions and comments on shirts. As much as I love talking to fans, I suck at doing everything by myself, and she was happy to help. So help keep a working mother employed and order something from the store, would ya?
Look Classy and Kick Cancer’s Ass
Time is running out to order either a Beard or LIMITED EDITION Moustache shirt from the store through the end of the month. $10 of each shirt order goes to prostate cancer research. The shirts are the byproduct of myself and the amazing artist Bryan Prindiville, and it’s a topic we both care strongly about. If you’re thinking of ordering one for yourself or another for the holidays, place the order before the end of November to have the donation go through. So far we’ve raised a whopping $70, but I’d really like to make it to $100. Anyone out there need three or more shirts?
Two Shirt Redesigns Hit The Store
The “My Body Is Just a Filter” and “HELL-Vetica” shirt designs never sat right with me. They were awesome, but the sheer awesomeness factor was not as off the charts and/or “hizzy” that I had hoped for. Now’s your chance to get in on the ground floor of some truly amazingtasticness. COFFEE SHIRT» TYPOGRAPHY SHIRT»
Oh Yeah, It’s All On Sale TODAY!
All the shirts in the store are on sale through the end of Monday EST, with $5 off each and every shirt in the store (including the Beard / Moustache ones for cancer). If you’re going to place an order for the holidays, best do it today! GO BUY STUFF »