The System 733: Commits

Git commits are like gremlins. Don’t feed them after midnight.
And now that I’ve painstakingly made this comic, yes. I then did see “that one xkcd“.
Thank you, Anime Expo!
If you came by the table this past weekend at Anime Expo, thank you. Flying across the country and meeting people who have read the comic is what inspired me, at midnight on a Monday night full of jet lag, to make a new comic.
Thank you for coming by the table and saying hello, whether you bought something or not. Thank you for coming to our Super Art Fight show. Thank you to those of you who come by— never mind, I made a video to say the things:
Purchase merchandise for morale to improve.
Use the coupon code “buttstuff” through Monday, 7/14 for a 10% discount on all things. Check out the new online store.
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The System 618: Validation Tends To Win

Still raising money for #Movember. There’s still time! I’m $15 away from a shiny round number!!!
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The System 605: Cleaning

Similar to the previous #493 Places for Things.
UPDATE: The comic was missing a chair in the background in one frame. Now it’s not. I cleaned it up.
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Hope Just Got Real
Shepard Fairey (the guy that made the now famous Obama HOPE poster) was very quickly accused of stealing by the person who took the original photo on which the image is based. Now, he says that the argument over which photo it is based on has shifted to his admittance of lying on the issue. The point is, this whole issue has been going on since the election and is still going. This joint is getting real. LINK.
Are you a designer? Ever use a photo for reference? Think Shepard was wrong to use the photo like this? Think it’s only an issue because his poster got so popular (I know I do)? Your thoughts! I want them!