The History of Typography
This has been going around and is pretty great. Just think how long it would’ve taken to cut out all those letters. This was created by Ben Barrett-Forrest
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Today’s Google Doodle
Don’t worry. I saw it.
Today’s Google Doodle (when they change the main image on is in honor of Saul Bass’ 93rd birthday. Saul Bass was an amazing graphic designer who also worked on movie title sequences (as well as posters for) many films, including many Alfred Hitchcock films. Or, to put it another way, you know that poster behind Wilson’s desk in House?
Saul Bass.
If you want to read more about Saul Bass’ career start with his Wikipedia page. And you may also want to check out this listing of all the Google Doodles and their history, it’s an interesting read.
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Super Art Fight @ Awesome Con
Like I said in 640, our show at Awesome Con was pretty amazing. Steve McBarnes was kind enough to post videos of the first two (of a total of 3) rounds, so here they are! The second round featured Michael Bracco and Noelle “Gingerhaze” Stevenson, and you’re about to be blown away by how awesome it gets. Seriously art fighting at it’s best.
Round 1
End of Round 1, Beginning Round 2
Round 3
If you’re ever at a Super Art Fight show, take video. We love when we find this stuff.
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You Should Download Ridiculous Fishing
Last week Geoff (my Friendly Design Bro) introduced me to a game called Ridiculous Fishing, which I wholeheartedly recommend to you all. Here’s the highlights:
- You try and avoid fish while your lure attempts to make its way further downward to the bottom of the lake/sea/ocean.
- You have a chainsaw.
- Once you snag a fish, you try and grab as many as you can on your way back up.
- When you get to the surface, they all shoot into the air!
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Performance (Music Video)
If you like funny songs about bikes (and already listen to Motherfucking Bike as your anthem) here’s the alternative, “Performance” by Robin Moore.
Thanks to Systemic @innerspaeth for sending it my way!
PUTTING OUT THE CALL. I’m back to posting fun shit more of the time, so send it over to If you think it belongs on this site (general awesomeness, hilarity, design, bikes, coffee, etc.), send it over. No guarantees it’ll make the cut but hey, give it a shot!
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Epically Awesome Video Blows Rosscott’s Tiny Mind
The headline pretty much describes my thoughts on the matter. The high five that makes a room explode? Come on. Amazing. Thanks to new Systemic Grace (aka “Batman”) for sharing it with me.
The Reward from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.
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In Defense of Comic Sans
…in which my stunt double explains the deal with Comic Sans. I’m down with it.
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In case you missed Super Art Fight at Magfest…
Here’s a time lapse of the show thanks to @apreche (of Geek Nights):
And our own Brandon Chalmers flipping a table for charity:
If you like that and are ANYWHERE NEAR LA, please for the love of g-d and all that is holy come to our LA show at Nerdmelt on the 19th!
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Comics and Design: An Inspirational Talk from Rosscott
Ross Nover – A Dose of Design Inspiration from Comic Strips from Refresh DC on Vimeo.
Earlier this week I gave what might be the most Ross-like talk I could possibly think of. It’s all about what designers can learn from their cousins the comic artists. I got to touch on some points like closure, verbal/visual pairings, art as exercise, and poop jokes. I’m really happy with how it went and so happy to see it online!
It was a part of Refresh DC, which is a group of my peers of designers and developers in the DC area. I’m pretty proud of it and was honored to be able to speak at such an event.
I tried to make it as accessible as I could to designers and non-designers, and also give credit where it’s due. With that in mind, thanks to Olly Moss, Caldwell Tanner, Danielle Corsetto, Jamie Noguchi, Steve Napierski, Ananth Pasdlfkjksjdf;j, Randal Munroe, Shannon Wheeler, Frank Chimero, 3eanuts and Garfield Minus Garfield, Alex Robinson, Jeph Jacques, Jessica Hische, Carolyn Sewell, Noah Scalin, Austin Kleon, my friends at Super Art Fight, the American University Design Program (whose resources evolved into this presentation), and Scott McCloud. (Did I miss anyone?)
The audio is passable, but the exposure kills the projector so you may have to follow along in the SlideShare (this is the link to that).
If you watch any or all of it, let me know what you think! And if you are looking for someone to talk about comics and design, just let me know.
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The Art Of Web Design
The art of Web Design, found via BoingBoing.
Watching this will help you understand 80-90% of the jokes you didn’t previously get on this site.