The System 274: Quitting Unexpectedly

It seems to go along a bit with Rosscott’s Law, but dealing more with the aftermath. Whatever the situation, let this comic serve as a public service announcement: SAVE YOUR WORK.
Have you ever had this happen to you? What programs seem to quit the most on you? What was the worst situation? Post in the comments!
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The System 236

Consider this the first of TWO comics to go up today, to make up for the NO comics on Friday! This is the first in the “ask a designer” series. Hopefully, you guys will actually ask more questions, and I’ll be glad to answer them.
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System in the Wild: Unemployed Edition
When three Systemics all send you the same thing, you stop what you’re doing and take notice. Thanks to Systemics Geoff, Noah and Tsai who all sent in links to this “unemployed toolkit”. If you ask me they need to throw in a big-ass bowl of cereal and every episode of M*A*S*H. The links I was sent were from Swiss Miss and Visual Culture, but the original can be found here.
Thanks to Systemic Kimmers for sending in this one, all the way from Burining Man. Link.
Did you know I’m on The Twitters? Twice over, actually. Once as just me, and another that feeds in blog posts with some occasional advice from Jimmy the Murderdog. Anyway, Twitter user Hillel_Kitty sent this one into me over Twitter. You can follow me, see what’s up, and so on over there. If you let me know you’re a Systemic, I’ll be sure to follow you back.
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The System 221

The System Guest Comic: Allison

Systemics. Read this email I got from Systemic Allison:
I attached a comic I came up with using your style. You could call it “fan art”. My inspiration… well… being unemployed =P and please don’t take the last sentence seriously! The idea for this comic just came to me and I felt compelled to put it together as a way to thank you for making me laugh during these rough times. Enjoy!
Your Fan,
Systemic Allison
Allison, you returned the favor. Thanks! I don’t know what field Allison is in, but if she lets me know I’ll post about it in case any of you guys know a guy who knows a guy. All else fails, I need an intern. I can’t pay anything, but I bet it’ll look great on a resume.
UPDATE: Turns out Allison has a degree in Marketing (with a capital M) from UConn. If you know of any leads, let me know (systemcomic at gmail dot com) and I’ll pass them on.