The System 100
There you have it, Systemics. 100 comics down. It’s been a long ride, full of ups and downs, but we have managed to find a path. A path that I could not be happier to be a part of. I hope you guys stick with me as we continue down it.
Some of you guys are probably noticing some changes around the site. An updated look, some new WP plugins to help smooth things out (most noticably the ability to reply to particular comments), and more features are on the way. In store for the next couple of weeks:
- More ways to share The System.
- Ways for you to show your support (read: give me money and buy stuff).
- More of the fun content that keeps you coming back.
Meanwhile, keep enjoying the site. As stated above, comics will be posted until morale improves, and probably then some.
PS, can you name the comics referenced above?