The System 802: Teamwork
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The System 800: What Now?
It’s been, jeez, three and a half years since I last did one of these recap comics. And over nine years since I started The System. If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say “recap comics”, every 100 comics (like numbers 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100) we take a step back and review what we’ve learned. To say that three and a half years ago feels like an eternity feels like an understatement. Here’s some updates from the world here at System HQ:
- 5 years ago I started a design firm. 3.5 years ago there were three of us. Now there’s seven.
- A relationship didn’t work out. You may have picked up on some subtext about that.
- There was a bout with anxiety and depression.
- I moved! Twice. From that one-bedroom to a studio, and that studio to a house.
- Oh yeah! I live in a house now! And that house also has an amazing girlfriend in it.
- That house has a very nice bike commute to work.
- And of course, it has felt oftentimes like the world is going to hell.
I have debated calling the comic quits here at comic number 800. As it is, I can take every 200 comics and catch up on publishing books, and it will make for a nice four-book set. They can each be color-coded as C-M-Y-K (the first was yellow, the second is going to be cyan, we’re going a little out of order but we can get there). Truthfully though, I don’t want to put a giant period at the end of this project. As much as it sucks to have it lingering, when I do find the time to put one of these comics together it still means a great deal to me, and I’ve heard from some of you it means a great deal to you as well.
So for now, consider the project moving at a colossally slow rate for the time being. Book 2 is actually all designed and ready to go, and as soon as I find some time I’ll be putting together a Kickstarter for it so y’all can order your own copies. Hopefully the last two books will follow, and with them more comics.
Also, if you are a convention-going type, I still am hitting up the convention circuit with shirts, books, prints, and touring with the Super Art Fight gang.
Meanwhile, I’ll keep posting comics until morale improves.
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The System 779: Doing
The System 709: Anger
If you don’t know who the dog is, see Jimmy the Murderdog.
Super Art Fight 100
After 6 years, thousands of miles, and countless jokes about Ninja Turtles, Super Art Fight is celebrating 100 shows with a blowout in Baltimore! It is this Saturday! Details here. Tickets here!
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He’ll Get You
Systemic Alex Numann of NextFab Studio took the Jimmy the Murderdog image I posted and made a huge freakin’ 8″x10″ version out of freakin’ steel. I bet Jimmy would approve. I know I do.
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The System in the Wild: Murderdog Edition
A special System in the Wild post / guest comic from Systemic Kirb Hysteria, who sent me this comic featuring My Little Pony characters as well as your favorite murderous canine. You can check out his DeviantArt page here.
I love seeing stuff like this! Thanks for sending it my way! I encourage all of you to make your own System stuff. In fact, here’s a PNG of Jimmy the Murderdog (click for a huge one). GO NUTS.
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System in the Wild: Jimmy the Murderdog Edition
This one courtesy of Systemic @GreyDuck on Twitter. I see the resemblance to Jimmy the Murderdog. Do you?
Send cool posts and System images to systemcomic at gmail!
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The System 629: Grumpydog
Jimmy the Murderdog is having that kinda day. He has that kinda day every day.
If you’re having that kinda day, watch this:
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The System 624: Coffee Lines
It’s not often I can fit guns, knives, and coffee in the same comic.
If you like Jimmy the Murderdog (who doesn’t?), limited quantities of the Jimmy The Murderdog shirts are still available here.
Super Art Fight in LA! This coming weekend! Meltdown / Nerdmelt Comics! Be there! Tickets here!
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Like numbers 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100, another recap of what we’ve learned in the last 100 comics. I enjoy putting these together, but they do take quite a while. All the panels are from comics from the last 100 comics. Can you name where all of them are from?
Also, we have something else to celebrate! We also recently passed the four-year anniversary of the comic as well. 400 comics! That’s pretty good, right? That officially makes The System my longest-held job / relationship.
<I’ll insert more words about what it’s like to do 600 comics here soon.>
Anyway, if you want to help me celebrate, there’s a few things you can do:
- Share your favorite comics from the archive with friends.
- Comment on posts.
- Buy prints of any comics you like from, our online store.
- Buy shirts from, our online store.
- GET READY to give me more money, because I’m going to be launching a Kickstarter for The System Book 1 in a few weeks. As soon as the book is mostly built and I have a quote for the number of books, it’ll all come together. Stay tuned!