The System in the Wild: Murderdog Edition
A special System in the Wild post / guest comic from Systemic Kirb Hysteria, who sent me this comic featuring My Little Pony characters as well as your favorite murderous canine. You can check out his DeviantArt page here.
I love seeing stuff like this! Thanks for sending it my way! I encourage all of you to make your own System stuff. In fact, here’s a PNG of Jimmy the Murderdog (click for a huge one). GO NUTS.
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Jimmy The Murderdog Wallpaper
Because I love you Systemics, and because a certain unnamed Systemic was kind enough to ask for it, I’ve put together a Jimmy the Murderdog wallpaper and posted it on the Downloads page of the site. Did you ever even go to the Downloads page before? There’s stuff there, and it’s all free. Just sayin’. Or if you’re lazy, you can just click that image above to see it in all it’s glory.
See the Jimmy The Murderdog Wallpaper »
If you really like it, post a comment about it! It’s nice to see feedback.
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Twitter Icons Anyone?
Hey all! I am 90% sure the RSS feed issue is fixed. As a way of confirming, here’s a treat. A ton of cool Twitter icons for you to use. Clearly I made a template and copy/pasted in a bunch, but that makes them no less cool. Use them, then tweet me at @Rosscott!
Oh, and also let me know if you weren’t seeing images and still aren’t/are now so I know the problem with RSS is in fact fixed.
There’s more Twitter icons here.