The System 817: Being Right

I thought this was just me, but just this morning, I heard reference to the same in two places:
- Marc Maron on Good One Podcast (which I highly recommend)
- This article on The Daily Beast (not something I normally read, but the headline caught me)
I’ve stopped and started comics a lot, and it’s been hard to find the time. But lately, a few ideas have popped into my head and I wanted to get them down. This isn’t some sort of ploy for fame or a quarantine project, but it makes me feel better to make them, and hopefully it makes you feel better to read them, too.
I know it’s been a while since I posted, so if you’re an old reader, say hi in the comments! Let me know how you’re doing.
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The System 816: Cards

The System 815: Books

From Wikipedia:
Tsundoku (Japanese: 積ん読) is acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one’s home without reading them. The term originated in the Meiji era (1868–1912) as Japanese slang. It combines elements of tsunde-oku (積んでおく, to pile things up ready for later and leave) and dokusho (読書, reading books).
AKA me at every comic show.
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The System 810: Great Idea

The System 803: Intersecting

This actually happened to me. Me and this dude were ready to rip each others’ heads off, until we had a mutual hatred to unite us. Maybe I should’ve tried something more unique but I was too annoyed to think of it.
Hope you are enjoying the new comics! I know I’m enjoying making ’em.
Got any great stories from arguing during your commute? Share them below!
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The System 797: Cycling Styles In Rain

To the jerkwad with the umbrella: I saw you.
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The System 796: Critics

The System 783: Rocking Out

One thing I’ve learned about “gym rats” (aka “people in the gym all the time”) is that they can be just as nerdy as the nerds that talk about “fandom”. They’re just talking about muscle groups and lifting routines and stuff. So far, no talk of “shipping”. Which is probably for the best.
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The System 761: Resolutions

I’d started making a comic listing my resolutions:
- Read more
- Eat better,
- Exercise,
- Travel somewhere new,
- Draw more,
- Have more fun,
- Answer some big questions,
- And generally have a better year than 2014.
But there wasn’t really a punchline there (not that having a punchline hasn’t stopped me before). But this worked a little better, and let’s face it. it’s all about doing more or less of something anyway.
Btw, if you’re considering any resolutions, a few thoughts:
- Set SMART goals.
- Don’t wait to know everything to start.
- Don’t get discouraged after you drop off when things get busy. The important thing is to jump back on when you can. Setbacks are gonna happen, that doesn’t mean you should give up.
- Tell your friends you’re doing it. They’ll keep you honest.
- Fuckin’ do it.
How about you?
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The System 756: Poopturds

Have you ever found words flying out of your mouth that you never thought you’d use? I’m not talking racist or asinine, just stupid? Well, that’s what happened to me. I missed a turn on my bike ride to my doctor’s office, and “Aw, poopturds!” flew out of my mouth. This raised a multitude of questions:
- What’s a poopturd?
- Where did my brain come up with that?
- What ELSE will my brain come up with?
- Wait wait wait. I really did miss that turn. Shitfiddles, I gotta take the next left…
If you have your own stories, add them in the comments, Systemics!