The System 799: Comparing

Just remember, “Don’t compare your own behind the scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.” I read that somewhere and I’ve always liked it, even if everyone else seems to have a really sweet highlight reel.
The System 796: Critics

The System 717: Life Is…

I just know I’m going to see this thing on the Internet without my name on it very very soon. Oh well.
If you want a 11″ x 17″ poster of this, it’s a mere $10 plus shipping! You can buy it with the big yellow button on the side OR just click here.
Appearances and Conventions!
I’ll be bringing the new book (soon to be in the online store) to a bunch of conventions, along with t-shirts, ties, prints, and tote bags. Oh, and my charming personality. If you’re a convention goer, mark these on your calendar! I always like it when fans come and say hi, even if they have no money and can’t buy anything. It’s wonderful to meet the people who read my stupid comic.
PAX East
(Boston, MA / Next Weekend)
Going with my girlfriend and hanging out! Woo! If you’re going to be there, say so in the comments and let’s meet up!
Awesome Con
(Washington, DC / April 18 – 20th)
I’ll have a table with the Super Art Fight gang, who will be performing on Sunday!
My New Apartment
(Washington, DC / April 25th)
Seriously, I’m moving in with my girlfriend. It’s gonna be awesome. SEE YOU THERE!
Super Art Fight at the Black Cat!
(Washington, DC / May 17th)
A big show for us as we are TAKING OVER THE UPSTAIRS OF THE BLACK CAT. There will be kaiju action as giant monsters destroy an entire city on stage. Yes, really. Tickets here »
Anime Expo
(Los Angeles, CA / July 3rd – July 6th)
I’ll have a table in Artist Alley with the Super Art Fight crew, and we’ll be doing shows all weekend. Please help me pay for it.
(Hartford, CT / July 10 – 13th)
Where it all started for The System, we’ll be having Art Fight shows, another “Jamie Noguchi System” panel, and a whole bunch more. Also, I’ll have my books!
(Baltimore, MD / August 8 – August 10th)
I’ll have a table in Artist Alley! Join me as I try and figure out what people are cosplaying as and realize that I’m too old to not be creepy at an anime convention.
(Bethesda, MD / September 13th – 14th)
Unfortunately, I’m on the wait list. Cross those fingers!
The System 670: Fresh Start

The Kickstarter for book 1 of System comics is still going and could use your help! The latest stretch goals both involve more comics for all:
The System 647: Sweating

This one goes out to Rossdad, who taught me not to sweat things. And to my good friend Dave F., who sweats all the time.
The System 613: Bad Clients

It’s amazing how your perspective can change.
When I was in school, I thought what made a good design was merely one thing: a good designer. Now I realize the truth is much larger than that. Projects are a collaboration between all those involved, and cannot succeed without everyone doing their part, or one person being the Incredible Hulk and doing everyone’s part (or at least scaring them off with the green and the gamma rays and all). Sure, a great designer can make the best of a bad situation and turn it into a great result, but even that isn’t a skill of a “talented designer”, it’s the skill of a talented Designer (capital D).
What’s the difference between a designer and a Designer? You earn a capital “D” when you can see the bigger picture and work within it. When you learn not just how to create something that you were taught in school, but to work in the professional role of a Designer. Create something that’s not just interesting-looking or functional, but that works for the client and meets the project’s goals. Can design the amazing within scope and budget. Tracks their time and keeps other members of the team in mind. Fills in the gaps when others come up short. Can sell the client on good ideas. Only suggests things that they can make happen. AND, can balance all of these things with other projects. Sounds boring, but it’s not. It’s what makes you successful.
Sure, it helps to be a good designer to be a good Designer, but it’s time to start looking at the bigger picture.
Oh, and don’t use Papyrus or Impact. Ever.
The System 489: Cell Phone Advice

Did you see the monster post I wrote below? You should check it out. I’m redesigning the site, and all that is a way to look at not just making it look nice, but thinking of a better way to make this and other webcomic sites work. Check it out, won’t you? HERE »
In other news, here’s an interview I did with the Art Directors’ Club of Metropolitan Washington. Check that out too! HERE »
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The System 326: Ask Jimmy (First Kill)

Welcome to week 2 of “advice time”! While I’m out of town, Jimmy the Murderdog has volunteered to answer some questions. All these questions were asked through the official SystemComic Twitter account, which Jimmy often answers personally. Thanks to all who wrote in, and I’ll see you on the 18th! Meanwhile, enjoy comics this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Thanks to Systemic David for sending in this one. I know he asked one of the questions we answered last week, but it was such a good answer I wanted to make sure it saw the light of day!
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The System 325: Ask Jimmy (Big Guns)

Welcome to week 2 of “advice time”! While I’m out of town, Jimmy the Murderdog has volunteered to answer some questions. All these questions were asked through the official SystemComic Twitter account, which Jimmy often answers personally. Thanks to all who wrote in, and I’ll see you on the 18th! Meanwhile, enjoy comics this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Today’s question comes from Systemic VenomV who asked through Twitter. Also props to Systemic Maggie who asked a similar question. Let’s face it, when it’s about Jimmy, it’s probably best to stick to what you know. Weaponry (and possibly grooming).
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The System 324: Ask Jimmy (Crapping Thunder)

Welcome to week 2 of “advice time”! While I’m out of town, Jimmy the Murderdog has volunteered to answer some questions. All these questions were asked through the official SystemComic Twitter account, which Jimmy often answers personally. Thanks to all who wrote in, and I’ll see you on the 18th! Meanwhile, enjoy comics this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Today’s question brought to you by Systemic Kevin of Caf-Fiends. Thanks!